Yup, it’s almost Christmas. Meaning there’s Christmas stuff you can watch on TV, the internet, your phone or some futuristic machine that hasn’t been invented yet that you’re reading this on at the moment. Or you could actually be spending time with your family or loved ones, because that’s a Christmas thing you can do. Anyway, this week Balena Productions made another Sonic Christmas cartoon, some of our staff did commentary on a different Sonic Christmas cartoon and cool music guy Falk made a thing. Also some other stuff including:
Retro/Bits news
- Balena Productions made another Sonic Christmas cartoon [See the video above]
- Here’s the SEGA Cinema holiday special featuring Barry, David and Bartman [Featuring Sonic Christmas Blast]
- Falk made a new Endless Possibility remix [Actually it’s really a cover]
- The folks who do Sonic Talk talk about Sonic Lost World in their holiday special [SEGAbits]
- LakeFeperd (known for Sonic Before- and After the Sequel) has released his latest fan-game: Sonic Chrono Adventure [Here’s the download] [Discuss the game here]
Sonic/SEGA news
- Wait, Sonic Lost World getting a Yoshi’s Island Zone wasn’t some weird fever dream? [Also a Legend of Zelda zone?]
- I’m not sure what to think about this trailer SEGA released for the aforementioned Yoshi’s Island Zone DLC [Seriously I don’t]
- You can get all the Sonic games on Steam for only 15 bucks until January 2nd [Maybe wait for the daily deals for individual games]
- Ryo Hazuki found a way to make vehicles out of arcade cabinets and will be racing around in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed while playing Outrun at the same time sometime in the future [It was a leak so shush don’t tell SEGA]
- Another couple of classic SEGA games got a 3D revamp on 3DS this week, this time Streets of Rage and Shinobi III [Fantasy Zone next please]