Valve recently released its Source engine video editing software to open beta to allow talented individuals to create movies using Source-compatible assets. YouTube user Waxination decided to try their hand at remaking a certain segment from the popular (and highly “memetic”) ’90s Saturday morning cartoon, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog.
Aside from showing a small sample of what can be done within the Source Film Maker, it’s also interesting to see how well the Classic Sonic model fits with Jaleel White’s Sonic. Although it’s very unlikely the short’s creator will do much more than finish the clip, it could be an interesting undertaking for a group of fans to try and “adapt” an episode of the cartoon using the film engine.
Check out one more example by YouTuber ChaoFanatic below! Thanks to RGamer2009.
Gotta love SFM.
There’s plenty of models from several Sonic games scattered around the Garry’s Mod website, I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing more stuff like this in the future.
I swear I thought he’d say “No copyright law in the Universe is going to stop me!”
This looks better than the actual games :(. Someone, show this person to SEGA.
I recommend [SFM] Strange isn’t it for all Sonic OVA fans. Trust me, you won’t regret it
Its a crime this isn’t shown on the page with it:
Its awesome in its own right though.
Jaleel White… ugh. He has got to be the most overrated Sonic VA EVER. He makes Sonic sound like a fucking annoying brat who’s continuously trying to be cool and failing at it. If it wasn’t for those overrated but awful Dic cartoons that many people can’t help looking at through rose-tinted nostalgia glasses (especially the plot hole-ridden and poorly animated garbage that is SatAM), people wouldn’t be under the misconception that he makes a great Sonic.
Also, the fact that the AoStH’s Sonic Says segment was green lighted is cringe-worthy when you think about. I mean, what were they thinking? Did they really think that the best was of showing how cool Sonic -who’s supposed to have an attitude- is was having him give children a responsible and boring speech after every episode?
You’ve basically named typical ’80s and ’90s cartoon stuff. It’s the camp and cheese that makes it attractive.
Jaleel White makes Sonic sound like an annoying brat. Hmm. As opposed to Roger Craig Smith, who makes Sonic sound like a geek who is trying to be cool and failing at it?
Don’t diss Jaleel White man. 🙂
Is it bad that I actually find the voice of Jaleel White fitting classic Sonic mod from Sonic Generations?
Guys… The old Sonic cartoons were awful. Yes, even SatAM. Seriously, I’m not trolling here. The shows were boring as sin. You guys need to take off your nostalgia goggles, because they are clearly cutting off all circulation to your brains.
I’m not saying Sonic X was any better, though. Every Sonic cartoon has been terrible, simple as that.
You’re not going to find much dissent to those remarks here. All three of them were awful.
Well, yes, you are going to find dissent if you just up and say they were boring and awful for no reason. I wonder what you could possibly find boring in SatAM?
It terms of character development and world-building, it was lightyears ahead of it’s syndicated counterpart, and ahead of most American cartoons of that era. Better animation, too.
Sonic X, sure. But SatAM, “awful”? Really?
Sure, Matt, SatAM may have tried to make strides in children’s entertainment, but it was nothing that shows like Batman: The Animated Series hadn’t already successfully pulled off a year earlier. You can probably guess which of the two shows I’d rather watch today. As someone already said, I think SatAM’s biggest flaw was that it was obviously trying to push the envelope and be ambitious, but it stopped just short of actually doing so.
I liked both shows as a kid, but looking back on them, B:TAS has stood the test of time, whereas SatAM has fallen into the “Wow, did I really watch this crap as a kid?” category.
Ah, opinions. Your facts are that all three suck but for me they’re still great.
Hi sorry it is off topic but I am unable to post on the forum due to verification. I just wanted to let you guys know that William Windom, the voice of Uncle Chuck in Satam passed away today. 🙁
That’s no good!
I don’t know, all of the 90’s Sonic cartoons for me seem to be filed under the “Dear God, I watched this as a kid?” category. I probably wouldn’t ever find myself watching them now. (X included)
But I think it’s stupid to try to compare the animation quality, story lines, and voice acting of 90’s kids cartoons by today’s standards as now evermore aging old men/women that now have the ingrained obsessive urge to give a critique on everything we see.
Overall even if this (or any other show for that matter) is only nostalgia food, why is that a bad thing? It’s kinda funny to look back on things like this that we didn’t quite get as kids…
I get this awkward feeling that the Movie clip is taking place in Oreba from Final Fantasy XIII. Oh dear…
I thought the charm of every Sonic voice was it sounds like a geek trying to be cool (White, Burke, Drummond, Griffith, Smith and Junichi). Since Sonic is a cheesy 90’s icon who could easily be mistaken for a blue rat, it kind of fits. Plus if you are on this site…I would think it might connect somewhat on a personal level.
When a friend touches you in a place that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can’t say you weren’t warned! ;P
Best Fan Animation Ever! 🙂
I would also call this: What should’ve happened in
Sonic Generations. 😛