You may have heard of a little show called Mystery Science Theater 3000 that had a man and his robots cracking jokes while cheesy, almost unhealthy to watch movies played in front of them. Fast forward to the present, and Mike, Kevin, and Bill, who starred in Mystery Science Theater 3000, have their own production now, Rifftrax, although it’s a little more internet-centric. Joystiq thought it would be amazing to get these guys to “riff” some video game cutscenes, and well… they were so right. If you want to skip to the Sonic ’06 scene, go to 1:11.
“you have given me so many things, like Hedgehog Herpies” LOLXD!
Well it’s about time. Hope Mike and the crew will do more of these, this could boost their popularity easily.
This is the greatest day of my life.
I cringed when I saw them riff the laughing scene from FFX, but the 06 segment was worth it.
The hedgehog herpies joke was funny. but laughed my ass off at the MGS4 “I’m getting too old for this shit” joke
Nononono, you do NOT make fun of Sonic Spinball.
cute but lets be honest there wasn’t really anything that they couldnt take from that game and make a crack out of, also the mgs was funny too