I did it you guys. I got Monday Links to actually be a weekly thing for every Monday of a month. I checked and this is something that hasn’t been achieved since 2010 when Slingerland was doing this thing. This is something that I’ve tried very, very, veeeery hard to achieve since I did my first of these back in 2013. And really I probably wouldn’t have done it without Bartman3010 starting it up again. Speaking of which, why isn’t he doing Monday Links anymore? I bet he’s probably doing “more important stuff” and “chasing his dreams” like learning how to make games for the Nvidia Tegra. Pfft.
Now what was I supposed to be doing? Oh right, links.
Sonic Retro stuff
- UtopiaUK put up a video showing some WIP zones from his Sonic 3 Resort Island hack. [Watch the video here and take a look at the forum thread]
- Cinossu made a Blue Sphere hack and he assured us that it’s not a jump scare. [Also don’t look at the spoilers, it ruins the fun]
- Hez shows off his unlockable Wood Zone level in Sonic Classic 2. [Cause unlockables are fun]
- MainMemory has added support for Sonic CD in SonLVL. [Please don’t make more Wacky Workbench levels]
- Enemies can now be constrained to a 2D plane in Xaklse’s new release of SonicGDK. [Handy for those fancy 2.5D platformer]
- LakeFeperd gives an update on what’s going on with Spark the Electric Jester. [Making games can be kinda hard]
- flamewing has released the first new update for SMPS2ASM in years. [Less buggy song stuff]
- We have a new feature called “Something For The Weekend” by our new writer Nova, with fun and cool Sonic stuff. [So go take a look at last weekend’s cool Sonic thing]
Sonic stuff
- Jollyroger has gotten the Sonic X-treme prototype that was found to work on SEGA Saturn hardware. [Progress!]
- The first Sonic Runners gameplay trailers shows that the game is about running. [Now with a more classic but also still modern Sonic]
- Yuji Naka/Prope’s new game Rodea the Sky Soldier will be released in the west by NIS America. [You know, that game that was announced four years ago]
- The sequel to the Sonic and Mega Man Worlds Collide comic cross-over will feature cameos of other SEGA and Capcom characters. [Viewtiful Joe please]
- Enjoyed the latest Sonic Boom episode? If so, good cause we’re gonna see a lot more this year. [If not, stop hating fun you fun hating not-fun-haver]
- How many toys can SEGA still make out of Sonic Boom? [At least this many apparently]
Other stuff
- Dragon Quest Heroes may not be the next big RPG in the series, but it still looks like a fun and very pretty Musou game. [If only it would be localized]
- Oni Press is reviving Invader Zim as a comic book. [Finally a reason for its fans to constantly quote GIR again]
Video of the week
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