
Sliding Around At The Speed of SoundResbalando a la Velocidad de Sonido

Here at Sonic Retro, we could subject you to mind-numbing analysis about a game, or you could watch the forums explode in negativity at the slightest mention of Sonic 4. We could tell you how the PC version is an unfortunate shoddy port of the Xbox 360 version lacking anti-aliasing among other settings.

But we’ve all heard that jazz and several more complaints for nearly two years now. The poor horse has been beaten into a fine powder. So here’s a video of the PC version in action. Left and Right and Slip’n’Slide!

However, just so you don’t leave here empty-handed or upset at yet another pot shot at Sonic 4, here’s a nifty little package for you PC version owners. Forum member Twilightzoney took some of the textures from the iPad version of the game and placed them into the PC version. This is the result:

To apply these textures, download the folder here and insert its contents in to the PLY folder located in the G_COM folder, which should be located where Steam stores the game. Make sure to back up a copy of the original files in case something goes wrong.

Aquí en Sonic Retro, podemos somerte te a análisis de un juego hasta que tu mente no puede mas con la vida, o usted podría ver los foros explotar en negatividad a la más mínima mención de Sonic 4. Podríamos decir te cómo la versión PC es, desafortunada, una copia de mala calidad de la versión Xbox 360 y que le falta anti-aliasing entre otros ajustes.

Pero todos hemos oído eso y varios otros recursos por casi dos años. El pobre caballo ha sido golpeada en un polvo fino. Así que aquí está un video de la versión PC en acción. “Left and Right and Slip’n’Slide!”

Sin embargo, sólo para que no salgan de aquí con las manos vacías o disgustado en otro tiro a Sonic 4, esto es un pequeño paquete interesante para los que tienen la versión PC. Twilightzoney, un miembro del foro, agarró algunas de las texturas de la versión iPad y los colocó en el juego. Este es el resultado:

Para aplicar estas texturas, descargue el archivo aquí y ponga sus contenidos en el archivo “G_COM”, que se puede encontrar en el archivo “PLY”, localizado donde Steam mantiene el juego. Asegúrese de hacer una copia de los archivos originales si algo va mal.

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  • Reply

    please let a physics fix mod come in the future

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    Say what you like, Sonic’s having the time of his life here!

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    This is the best thing I came home to in a long time.

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  • Reply

    Does a pc release mean that retro geniuses will fix the physics?

    • Reply

      Even we can’t work miracles. But that’s not to say it won’t happen… it would require far more work than people think it would.

  • Reply

    This is the single greatest run of Sonic 4: Episode 1.
    Yeah, physics suck, but it’s funny to watch.

  • Reply

    How much machine is required to play this? I am seriously thinking on making some laboratory with SEGA’s junk.

    • Reply

      At minimum, you’ll need:

      OS:Windows XP/Vista/Win7
      Processor:Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz/Athlon 64 3000+ or Equivalent & above
      Memory:1 GB (2 GB on Vista) GB RAM
      Graphics:256 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 7600/AT Radeon X1300) & above
      Hard Drive:500 MB HD space
      Sound:DirectX Compatible

  • Reply

    the tags are hillarious~

  • Reply

    Oh wow, that’s so bad it’s hilarious.

    At the very least though, this settles the issue of whether or not I wanted to get a copy of Sonic 4 for my PC. I don’t. 😛

  • Reply

    I thought the physics were messed up before . He isnt even walking up the wall!

  • Reply

    this.. this is why I come here. 

  • Reply

    Is this real, oh gosh, if this is episode 1 episode 2 will…O.o Yah sticking with the 360 version for sure =D

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    I can do the same thing in Sonic Generations. All you do is go in one direction and keep boosting the other.

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    I wish there was a GFX fix for the XBOX 360, Sonic looks too shiny and like crap.

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    Heh, even if you did fix the physics, replace the music, replace the textures and such, the actual level design would still be lack-luster.

    Any efforts made to fix the game wouldn’t be worth it, not when so many other things to work with exist, namely Sonic Generations and Sonic CD PC.

    Seriously I’m laughing my ass off at slip and slide.

  • Reply

    Does that sliding happen naturally, or is that player doing something specific? Either way, it looks like i’m off to Dolphin Wii emulator again to play it in 1080p on my computer (I own the original game on WiiWare, mods, don’t have a heart attack).

    • Reply

      The player is just hitting the left and right keys really quickly. I was wondering if this works on consoles by using the joystick and the DPad at the same time.

  • Reply

    Wow! Michael Jackson lives on baby! Sonic’s MOONWALKING 8P

  • Reply

    would be nice if someone *cough*PolygonJim*cough* added a patch for the minekart level for lols!

    Anyway thanks for the texture patch, now the game can look slightly better, now if only we replace the soundtrack with the Wii version!

  • Reply

    Wow people begged for a PC version when it was announced, and now that they’ve got it, all they can do is bitch and moan again… I swear there’s no such thing as a true Sonic fan, someone who plays the game purely cuz it’s a Sonic game and doesn’t give a crap about physics, graphics etc.
    All you lot do is just complain and pick at everything that comes your way, it’s a bit ungrateful and selfish tbh.
    I think Sonic 4 EP 1 was a good game, it brought me back to my child hood, a good reboot, and a reminder on why we loved Sonic in the first place. I think a lot of you have forgotten why you play Sonic games.

    • Reply

      I would think a true fan would, objectively, realize when the series is in dire straits and acknowledge that not everything is right in Sonic 4’s presentation instead of always screaming, “Please, Master Sega! Moar!” Sonic Generations was, again objectively, Sega’s best take on the series in both of its forms in a good while and made more childhood connections with older fans than Sonic 4 did.

      And while it IS cool that the PC got Sonic 4, it’s a shame that it’s a sloppy 360 port and wasn’t optimized for PC users. And the poor Mac people (yes, yes, >mac >games >pick one) are left out of any fun because of this.

  • Reply

    Sonic: come at me bro!

  • Reply

    Oh my God, how do you break a game like this?

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    It’s like that banana from Sonic 3.

  • Reply

    No wonder the grass looks so shiny! The entire landscape is covered in oil! Sonic 4, Krisco edition, coming soon to a retailer near you!

  • Reply

    Is it possible to have the same kind of texture patch for the badniks? I realy don’t understand why they can do good sprites on the iPad version but not on the PC version…

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