More than a month after it was released on consoles, the new version of Sonic CD has finally hit Steam today. And for a limited time only if you buy the game you will get a free Metal Sonic costume for SEGA and Three Rings’ free to play MMO, Spiral Knights. You can also get Tails’ tails by buying energy within said game, though sadly these do not give you the ability to fly. Screenshots and a video of the costumes can be seen after the jump.
Besides that, Sonic 4 Episode 1 and the Casino Night Zone DLC for Sonic Generations have been released on the service as well. The former was already spotted on the Steam registry some time ago and the latter was supposed to be released on December 26th last year, but was delayed for unknown reasons. If you haven’t gotten Generations yet, the game is now 50% off until January 23rd as a weekend deal along with all other Sonic games besides those released today with the exception of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, which is 75% off.