Prima’s Secrets of the Game: Sega CD Official Game Secrets looks like a pretty class act, given that it was was written in 1994 and somehow dinosaurs from outer space were relevant to Sega CD games of the period. It even has the official Sega Seal of Quality on it, so you know it’s full of…quality, I suppose. However, if we flip to a Sega CD game not involving space dinosaurs, such as Sonic CD…
I’ll keep that in mind, Rusel DeMaria.
[via Dream and Friends]
It’s not surprising that when the word “quality” is thrown around in this sense, that Nintendo would drop it from their own seal.
Well, these words are designed to benefit the would-be future Oldbies of this scene.
preparation H is something used for hemmoroids isnt it?
Why yes it is. xDD
dnt get it :/
What the heck is “Preparation H”?
To everyone asking: Preparation H is some cream you get from a tube and rub into your butthole to avoid anal itching and pain.
Did they even think about this when they wrote it? Preparation H as been in pharmacies for way longer than video-games… Talk about a sick and outright disgusting reference XD
Well apparently Sonic gets Hemmroids (sp?) while exploring Little Planet. xD
Geez, did Dr. Evil work on the manual?
I get the feeling it went down something like this: DeMaria sits at computer writing document; leaves to go to bathroom; coworker walks past cubicle and sees document on screen; decides to take a peek; reads sentence and decides to make a one-letter change as a joke; DeMaria returns and doesn’t notice; document goes to print.