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Sonic music

Animation, Movies

Production Demo Recordings From Sonic OVA Soundtrack Shared

With the full version of “Look-a-Like” being unearthed and shared to the world on Sunday, many fans wondered if the source that shared it with the community had a full version of the Sonic OVA soundtrack in their possession. illuminor, who had reached out to the anonymous contributor on the OVA, ran that question by their source to find an answer. They received a reply that provided a single .mp3 file containing production demo recordings of the soundtrack. The file isn’t from the master sound source, sporting occasional sound artifacts and issues with stereo, but considering that the OVA is nearly 25 years old now just being able to hear this at all is astounding.

The quote below from the YouTube description shines a little more light on the tracks themselves  specifying that the tracks they don’t seem to have any official names, for instance. It is also worth noting that this .mp3 file also doesn’t contain every single piece of music created for the OVA, but it does include the South Island track, don’t worry.

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Animation, Movies

Full “Look-a-Like” From Sonic OVA Unearthed After Nearly 25 Years

This morning a member of the community  under the handle @SAAC_RUS tweeted out a link to the above video. Rather surprisingly, the video contains the full and proper version of “Look-a-Like” from the Sonic OVA. The two episode shorts originally released in Japan in early 1996 and featured “Look-a-Like” as part of its backing music. However, the only official release of the song since was a truncated version available on the True Colors: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2 CD, but now the full version is available for our listening pleasure thanks to illuminor. The video and its description explains how they came into possession of the song, shared below:

The universe of Sonic the Hedgehog is full of its own secrets and mysteries. And so it happens that some interesting things might be hiding in the most unexpected places. And today we would like to share with you an amazing discovery our good friend and the community member illuminor has made. illuminor specializes in translations – Japanese translations in particular. Having looked the Japanese version of Sonic OVA he noticed that the credits song «Look-a-like» has certain words that have never been used anywhere else and that differ from what fans usually document. «Look-a-like» is the ending theme of Sonic OVA performed by Riyu Konaka. Its full version was never officially released, though most of the song can be heard in the original Japanese release of the movie. And its short edit was later released in the official «True Colors: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2» album. In all variations available on the Internet we can hear the line «A short while ago, I was born» which then repeats twice, but in the movie the first time sounds as «A long time ago…», though we cannot hear the rest due to the dialogue of the characters. illuminor decided to get to the bottom of it and reached out to one of the people who was involved in creating of Sonic OVA. We will not disclose the identity of this person not to cause them any troubles. The original plan of illuminor was to ask for the song’s lyrics, but his interlocutor exceeded all expectations and just sent the whole track instead of the plain text. And so, friends, for the first time in history we are happy to introduce you the full and original version of the song «Look-a-like». Have a nice listening! We are thanked to illuminor for the news and for such a great material!

How great is it to finally have it after all this time?


“Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Selection” Track Listing Announced

sound_160610_01_01In 13 days, Sonic the Hedgehog is turning 25 years old. That’s something crazy to think about – I still remember the first time I spotted the hedgehog, running wildly in the Marble Zone on a game kiosk in a department store that no longer exists, my parents probably silently hoping that it wouldn’t become yet another childhood obsession.
In the build up to this gaming milestone, we’ve been slowly getting a trickle of hedgehog-related news: the latest Fire & Ice trailer, Sonic in Lego form, Archie’s next Sonic Special. While we wait on baited breath for the next big Sonic game reveal, Jun Senoue and Wave Master have given us more information on the next soundtrack release regarding the fastest thing alive. On Jun’s “Believe in Myself” column over at Japan’s Sonic Channel, the official track list for the 2-CD, 1-DVD set has been revealed, celebrating the entire scope of the Sonic gaming franchise.
Check out the full listing after the jump.
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Fan Works, Music

Sonicesque, Vol. I Music Album Released

Brand new forum member KGB525 comes out of nowhere today with a release retro Sonic fans are bound to be interested in–an original, 14-track album full of music inspired by the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive’s sound chip, the YM2612. Made using the VOPM VST, Reaper and a Yamaha M08 keyboard, Sonicesque, Vol. I takes inspiration from Mystic Cave Zone, Marble Zone among several other classic Sonic zones to create a collection of music that any Sonic fan is bound to like.

From KGB himself:

“Sonicesque, Vol. I” – an album of original songs in the style of the classic Genesis-era Sonic games. This is a tribute to Sonic composers like Masato Nakamura, whose melodic and rhythmically driven music made you want to play those levels again and again. Fans of Sonic music will enjoy nods to classic levels, such as “Mystic Cave Zone”, and “Marble Zone” among others. These are all original songs, written by myself, Karl Brueggemann. I recorded these using the VOPM VST, Reaper, and my Yamaha M08 keyboard. Thanks for listening, and let me know what you think!

You can listen to the album via its YouTube playlist or download the entire thing on Mediafire. Check out the forum thread here. To listen to more of KGB’s music, check out his website –