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Phantasy Star Online 2

Comics, Fan Works, Game News, Miscellaneous

Whenever Links: It’s Still 2013 Somewhere Edition

Bc1-qYbCIAExRe4I’m bored, it’s 2014 now, somehow it’s still the year of Luigi and I just realized that I wanted to do a Monday Links this week but then I forgot. So let’s just do this. This was the last week of 2013, so there’s not much that happened, but there’s still some cool stuff you should probably check out. And as long as there’s cool stuff, there will be Monday Links. Some of the time anyway. Hopefully more often in 2014.

Retro/Bits News

Sonic/SEGA News

  • Relic Entertainment is working on an existing Japanese MMO, surely it can’t be Phantasy Star Online 2? [Oh hey, it probably is]
  • A group of fans released the first version of their Valkyria Chronicles 3 translation [Fans of animu and wars rejoice!]
  • The beta of the Dreamcast version of Toejam & Earl 3 got leaked out [It’s a Christmas miracle]
  • SEGA gives people a closer look at Ryo Hazuki’s vehicle in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed [Here, here and here]

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Miscellaneous, Sega Retro

SEGA Reveals PAX Prime Line-Up and Will Attend Gamescom After All

With Gamescom and PAX Prime nearing more news about what will be shown at the events starts trickling in. Like SEGA has officially announced the games they’ll be showing at PAX, which includes the Sonic Adventure 2 re-release, Phantasy Star Online 2, The Cave, an unannounced digital title (which is a new IP) and more. Here is their full line-up:

SEGA will showcase their games at booths 242 and 252 at PAX in Seattle, Washington, from August 31 through September 2, 2012. SEGA also confirmed along with THQ that they’ll be showing their games at Gamescom, which is in Germany, Cologne from August 15th through August 19th, even though both previously said that they won’t be at attending the event. Their games will be shown at the Koch Media and Saturn stands. Also, according to El33tonline SEGA will hold a press conference on August 16th at Gamescom, though it isn’t listed with the rest of the press dates so whether or not the conference will actually happen isn’t certain.

[Sources: SEGA Blog, MCV and El33tonline]

Game News, Sega Retro

Phantasy Star Online 2 Geared for Release in US and UK Territories in 2013

You can stop using your Japanese accounts to play some Phantasy Star Online 2 as Sega’s flagship MMO series will hit US and UK territories by 2013. No further information is given regarding the release date, or platforms outside of PC. However Sega has put up a promotional site to gear up would be players for it’s upcoming release. Fan site PSO World was able to break the news on it’s release, and in addition, the official site shows ties with the PSO World community.

Be sure to check out the website for more information. (Or those who are already playing, keep doing that.)

[Source: Phantasy Star Online 2 English Site, PSO World]

Game News

Phantasy Star Online 2 Coming to Playstation Vita

The true sequel to the Dreamcast classic Phantasy Star Online is coming to the Playstation Vita. The portable edition will be the same as the PC version and will even support cross-platform play. This means that if you own the Vita version you can play the game with PC users. You’ll probably notice that it doesn’t look like the PS Vita can handle the game very well. That’s because this version is less than 10% complete and is currently running on the lowest settings, so it goes without saying that the graphics and framerate will be improved considerably.

While it hasn’t been announced if the game will be released in the west, the chance of it being localized is pretty big considering that most of the other games in the franchise did get released stateside. Phantasy Star Online 2 will be released in 2013 and is being developed by Sonic Team. After the jump is an older trailer of the game.

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