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Vidya Retro Highlights: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Mobile and More

If you’ve missed our live stream shows, you’ll be happy to know that we archive (most) of our videos including our first look at Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed running on iOS as led by Guess Who. We’ve also got first looks of Sonic Dash and Crazy Taxi running on Android that showcase game features and commentary from the staff at Retro.

Be sure to follow our Vidya Retro on Twitch and YouTube for more first looks and other gameplay videos.

Game News

SEGA releasing iPhone Genesis emulator (for free)!

SEGA Ultimate Genesis Emulator for iPhone

SEGA: Ultimate Genesis for the iPhone (source: Gizmodo)

According to Gizmodo, SEGA is ready to release an iPhone/iPod Touch app called “Ultimate Genesis” which is, for all intents and purposes, a SEGA-exclusive virtual console for the iPhone. The app itself should be making its appearance on the app store in early February while being packaged with one game – Space Harrier II. It will be a free download where users will purchase what will basically be Genesis ROMs within the app to add to their collection. The offerings that should be available from day one are:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog: $5.99
  • Golden Axe: $4.99
  • Ecco the Dolphin: $2.99
  • Shining Force: $2.99

As you can see, different games will be available at different price points for the time being. It should be noted that both Sonic and Golden Axe are already available in the App Store at those price points where as Ecco and Shining Force are not. SEGA may be pricing Sonic and Golden Axe simply to be consistent with the versions available in the app store while $2.99 may be the standard price for most games from here on. It is unknown if those who purchased Sonic or Golden Axe stand alone will be able to transfer those games to Ultimate Genesis when it’s released.

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