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SAGE 2016 Update: One Week Out

We are now one week away from SAGE 2016. At this point in time, the staff is currently twisting knobs, duct taping holes, and looking at the site and going “that should probably hold.” While we continue to get things assembled and in line for SAGE’s comeback, there’s a number of things we’d like to announce and clear up before the 15th.

First off, two hours leading up to the opening of the SAGE 2016 site we will be hosting a livestream of as many SAGE games as we can play. Join us at our YouTube channel, at 10:00 pm central, to see all the games you’ll be able to play at this year’s expo. I don’t want to say all, because we’re currently sitting at over 55 entries to SAGE and counting! We will be going past the SAGE launch at midnight and plan to stream until at least 1:00 am.
“Wait, still getting entries? But it’s past the deadline!!” Yeah, we aren’t hard asses. Listen up, if you were unable to make the deadline for any reason, you can still submit to SAGE up to the 14th. Please note that any entry or update past the 9th is not guaranteed to get a booth at SAGE, but we will do our best to accommodate.
The schedule for livestream events is also available. As you can see… there’s not much on it! If you’d like to host a livestream during the week, please send us an email with your stream URL, name, description of your stream, and time slot. Keep in mind that time slots are limited to two hours currently for non-staff events and you must have prior streaming knowledge. Also please note that scheduling can change at the staff’s discretion, but we will do our best to notify you in advance should this occur. Otherwise, free time will be available throughout the week if you’d like to stream then!
Finally… RAGE. Is it coming back? What’s the theme? Is there another $50 gift card to win???
Well friends, it might be a good idea to tune in on Friday to the livestream to get the answers to those questions…

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