Daily Archives

October 21, 2016


Sonic X The Complete Season 3 DVD now available to pre-order

Sonic X The Complete Season 3 is now available to pre-order on Amazon. Earlier this year, video distribution company Discotek Media announced that they had acquired the rights to release the complete English dub of Sonic X and the Japanese dub of SEGA Hard Girls to North America. While Sonic X complete seasons 1 and 2 is available to pre-order and due out November 8th, season 3 was announced to release a month later on December 6th. Described as “Collection 2 – The Metarex Saga”, the release contains episodes 53 through 78 and will complete Discotek Media’s releases of the series.
Prior to Discotek Media’s acquisition, the series had been released on a variety of DVDs including single disc releases containing three episodes and saga releases. These releases have since gone out of print and many are quite expensive, making it difficult for fans to complete the series. Discotek Media’s release is by far the most simple that Sonic X has received in America with only two collections.

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