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ecco: tides of time

Game News, Game Secrets

David Javelosa Sonic and SEGA Music Demo Tracks Surface Online

You’ve probably seen this tweet making the rounds online of unused Sonic 2 music being shown off to a classroom.

It turns out this student’s professor is David Javelosa who, if you aren’t familiar with him, is a freelance composer who used to be an Audio Director at SEGA of America. These days you’ll find him as a professor at Santa Monica College. You will typically find his name on western productions of SEGA titles including Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Ecco – The Tides of Time, Spider-Man VS. The Kingpin and even was part of the SEGA Multimedia Studio to help with SEGA CD development.
After the tweet gained massive popularity the poster agreed to try to convince David to put his works online somewhere. Luckily he agreed to it and now you can find this online. A SEGA Genesis GEMS Test Module. GEMS of course was the sound driver used in many western Genesis games including Sonic Spinball. But in the video below it seems to center around Sonic 2. You can find more demo reels and music tracks from this channel after the jump.

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Game Secrets, Podcasts

Summer Games Done Quick 2013 Charity Marathon Begins Today


Speed Demos Archive and Speed Runs Live team up once again to bring you another charity marathon with Summer Games Done Quick, featuring several games that will be finished in the shortest time possible, live and in front of thousands of viewers over the internet in order to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. The event lasts for five days, until the 30th, which includes games like Sonic the Hedgehog on Mega Drive and Master System, Ecco: The Tides of Time and more during the period. Earlier this year they also held Awesome Games Done Quick 2013 which has helped to raise over $448,000 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, and they’re looking to repeat that success again with an initial goal of $50,000. The event also gives donors several benefits as well, donations affect bidding decisions on games and provides chances to win several prizes.

The event is currently underway! You can check out the stream on the Speed Demos Archive page or through the Twitch channel.

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