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Amazon Offers Limited Edition Sonic Mania T-Shirts

Sonic Mania still has a way to go, but we’re already getting merchandise rolling in with limited edition T-shirts available through Amazon. These shirts are available for a limited time only, until the end of the month, sporting two designs for both US and UK regions.
Both shirts come in a set of colors for men and women of multiple sizes. One features a beautiful poster-esque image of Studiopolis and the other featuring profiles of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles; the triple threat. Oddly enough, the triple threat shirts appear to be different between regions, with the UK version sporting the Sonic Mania logo, and the US one featuring just their heads.
Gorgeous designs they are, although I’m holding out for a poster of Studiopolis myself!
US: [Studiopolis] [Triple-Threat]
UK: [Studiopolis] [Icon Shirt]

Game News

Amazon Giving Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on Android Away for Free

Because the folks at Amazon are such swell guys, thirty of the most popular apps on the Amazon App Store are free for the next two days. And it turns out that Sonic 2 is a pretty popular game even to this day, because it’s one of those thirty apps. If you’ve wanted to give The Taxman and Stealth‘s remastering of the game a try, this is the best time to do so. You can get it here:
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Game News, Merchandise

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Soundtrack Available on iTunes and AmazonMP3


SEGA and Sumo Digital have answered the demand for an official release of the soundtrack for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. While it has featured a physical release in Japan on two CDs, you can buy each CD digitally through your choice of Apple’s iTunes store or on AmazonMP3. Each CD is available for $9.99 USD, (Or $9.49 on Amazon at the time of this writing,) and£7.99 GBP, or you can purchase tracks individually.

  • iTunes (Disc 1) [US] [UK] (Disc 2) [US] [UK]
  • Amazon Mp3 (Disc 1) [US] [UK] (Disc 2) [US] [UK]

For someone like me that’s been listening to this soundtrack in the most cumbersome way possible, (Try hooking up your phone to your car stereo and hoping all four G’s of your data connection can play songs off of YouTube and not stop to buffer every so often,) this could not have come at a better time for me.

Thanks to Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett and Retro Staff Member GerbilSoft for providing links to the soundtrack. If you’d like a complete listing of the songs, head over to VGMDB.


Game Secrets, Interviews

Pix N Love’s History of Sonic Book in English Arrives this September

In lieu of a major Sonic title coming out, the 300 page hardcover book from French publisher Pix N Love will finally see a release in the Americas courtesy of Udon Entertainment who have issued a press release revealing the book will be made available in September. The book has been put up for pre-order for quite some time on, however Sega’s official blog has put up new scans of the book in English. At least, the big letters can be read in English.

For those unfamiliar, Pix N Love Publishing has been putting in efforts bringing up the detailed history of foreign developers and individuals through print format with interviews, product catalogs and provides an insight on the subject matter’s history. Unlike most other books from the publisher, the History of Sonic is going to be rolled up together into one book. Covering the history all the way up to Sonic Generations, complete with developer interviews and more in one hardcover bound book. In addition, with the publishing deal from Udon Entertainment, it will be guaranteed a wider distribution in the states, as opposed to the publisher sending out books to customers from it’s native country France. Currently pre-orders are available solely through More information as it develops.

[Source: The Sonic Stadium, Udon, Sega Blog]