There’s been a bit of news regarding Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 and 2 these past couple of days. First of all, Ken Balough has dropped a hint about the second episode on the official SEGA forums:
If you’re an Episode II fan
I would go back to where the Sonic 4 Campaign first began
In a month filled with presents and Christmas hams
think of the day, the HMS Warrior first swam
If my sources are correct, the HMS Warrior first set sail on December 29th, so it looks like we may see something new on that date.
The second bit of news is that a new version of Episode 1 is now available for the iPad on the app store, which has a better model of Sonic than in the iPhone version but still has the dreaded minecart and pinball stages. A screenshot of this version taken by Guess Who from the forums can be seen above. Also, a couple of months ago the game appeared on the Steam registry, meaning it will also be released for PC on digital download services like Steam or Direct2Drive.