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Amazon Offers Limited Edition Sonic Mania T-Shirts

Sonic Mania still has a way to go, but we’re already getting merchandise rolling in with limited edition T-shirts available through Amazon. These shirts are available for a limited time only, until the end of the month, sporting two designs for both US and UK regions.
Both shirts come in a set of colors for men and women of multiple sizes. One features a beautiful poster-esque image of Studiopolis and the other featuring profiles of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles; the triple threat. Oddly enough, the triple threat shirts appear to be different between regions, with the UK version sporting the Sonic Mania logo, and the US one featuring just their heads.
Gorgeous designs they are, although I’m holding out for a poster of Studiopolis myself!
US: [Studiopolis] [Triple-Threat]
UK: [Studiopolis] [Icon Shirt]


Today Only: “The Hog In The Clogs” Sonic Shirt at TeeFury

Hog in the Clogs Teefury

TeeFury are at it again! The same store that brought you the comedic Cash For Gold t-shirt has released this little gem depicting Sonic and Tails in the style of a Dr. Seuss book. Like standard TeeFury fare, this shirt is on sale for only 24 hours, and will not be brought back after that. As of this post, you should have a good 20 or so hours to get your hands on it, so don’t fret! You can pick it up for $10 USD (plus shipping starting at $2.75). Click here to get it now.

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