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shameless use of a brand name

Humor, Merchandise

The Strangest Things Show Up At Conventions

And I don’t mean the con goers.

Yesterday, I joined a few friends on a trip to Florida Supercon, which meant two things: getting more StreetPass hits on the 3DS (32! If you went, look for a Mii named Gene. I got a person from Sega Bits, so…) and humiliating people in the gaming room. But no self respecting con is complete without a dealer room with overpriced or weird items, like a remote control miniature tank that fires B.B. gun pellet for $70. Awesome.

But this isn’t about a toy that can be used for amazing purposes. Instead, enjoy oddities such as Sonic themed snuggies (robes you wear backwards) and bath robes. Other than that, it’s the typical showing of those little Sonic beanie hats in Sonic, Shadow, and Super Sonic varieties at $18 (!) a pop.

Apologies for the shaky quality. I was using my cellphone and the lighting wasn’t great.