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Fan Works, Music

“Escape From The City” – The A Capella Version

So it’s almost dusk in the United States, meaning fireworks are about to go off to celebrate a moment you British readers would rather forget about. Either way, more than likely some of you have enjoyed some sort of grilled entrée, and if so I hope if any hot dogs were involved you added chili. But that’s beside the point. Yes, everyone here is still waiting for Sonic Generations. Yes, everyone is waiting to play through City Escape so you can hear that classic remix that’s gotten everyone in a tizzy. However, since it’s a Monday most people are treating as a Sunday, why not listen to someone else’s rendition of Escape From The City? Specifically, the rendition by the 22-person strong Video Game Music Choir.

Yes, the video itself is blurry. But unless you really, really want to see that girl dressed as Zelda, the sound should suffice.

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