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Who am I kidding you’ll all vote for IceCap Zone


Snowmageddon and Sonic: The Final…Flurry

Here at Sonic Retro World HQ, the blizzard has more or less passed, but the evidence remains everywhere. Good luck, New England (and to our Australian readers with Cyclone Yasi.)  We’ve tallied up the votes on the four level divisions from yesterday’s poll, and have narrowed down our finalists. Sonic Unleashed‘s Cool Edge deserves an honorable mention, as it was neck-and-neck between the water-running, icy half-pipe level and Sonic Adventure‘s Ice Cap–in the end, the margin was only 13 votes.

Our finalists, in alphabetical order:

Blizzard Peaks, the Sonic Rush Adventure snowboarding and springy vine home of the Vikings

Diamond Dust Zone, Sonic 3D: Flickies’ Island‘s level full of icy blasts and slippery surfaces

IceCap Zone, the original winter zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and proof that robotic penguins can seriously slide

Ice Cap, Sonic Adventure‘s platforming-heavy level with snowboarding antics

Actually, considering that three out of four of these levels feature snowboarding, clearly it must be a fan-favorite. This final round of voting will determine the greatest winter level for our readers. What particularly makes you like one over the others? The soundtrack? Gameplay styles? That face Tails makes in the Ice Cap cutscene during the level? Let us know in the comments!

[poll id=”6″]