The following is a guest post from community member FTA.
On Saturday April 19th, Find The Computer Room will be teaming up with Packrat Comics in Dublin, Ohio to host a special charity stream for the one and only Tracy Yardley! We aim to start around 3pm EST, and it will be a fun filled event for people of all ages. We plan to spend time playing several Sonic games, talking about the Archie series and Tracy’s influential work on them over the years, and we’ll be airing an exclusive interview with the man himself!
In order to explain, let me pass over to the man himself:
To My Wonderful Fans,
Having worked with Archie Comics on the Sonic the Hedgehog comics has been a great privilege. Unlooked for, the good people of the Packrat Sonic Club of Packrat Comics in Hilliard, Ohio had a divine revelation that I could use some help and decided to run a benefit on my behalf. As some may know, I am the father of 5 children. My wife and I adopted 3 and had 2 of our own as well. By many standards I am a very rich man, but this last year has been trying in the money department. I know there are many out there who are in a much worse position that I am, but I’m very grateful for the help offered to me. I am continually awed by the love and encouragement I receive from my fans and I hope to help with future charity efforts to share the amazing goodwill that my fans have shown me.
With gratitude,
Tracy Yardley!
Tracy has been kind enough to offer up some personal signed material for the stream, we have signed issues, trade paperbacks, toys and original art to give away for donators!
We hope to see you at 3pm EST on Saturday April 19th at the FTCR Twitch channel for what promises to be an afternoon of fun no Sonic fan will want to miss!
Watch live video from vidyaretro on TwitchTV
Its free weekend for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Steam. Which sounds like a prime opportunity to host a community stream for this very occasion. Granted, its quite last minute, but then again, we had no clue this was going to happen until yesterday. Come join in the fun with us, and if you want to play with us, we’ll give you the information on the air, or check with the stream’s chat by going to the Vidya Retro channel on Twitch.
Its over, but we’ve recorded all four hours of the free racing action with our Retro crew talking about…something? Also in the meantime, we’ve streamed something earlier that may catch your attention: Fan Game Frenzy II, hot off of Sonic Doom II, we look at more Sonic fan games from the yesteryear.