PC owners that absolutely NEED their Sonic Adventure 2 fix can finally begin throwing their money toward their local Steam client. No, it’s not time for the yearly flogging of the wallet from Steam sales so much as Sega has finally confirmed via Twitter that SA2 and its Battle DLC will be touching down on the client on Monday, Nov. 19.
While the game offers little change from its original presentations other than proper widescreen support and some touched up textures, that’s sure to keep some fans of the game quite happy. No word on the cost or what online functionality the PC version will have, but we’re hedging our bets on the usual $9.99 price for the game and $2.99 for Battle, with leaderboards only as the online functionality.
Be sure to check out our review to see if you want to go for the PC version or remain loyal to your Dreamcast or Gamecube discs.