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Retrocast Season 2 Episode 3 – Post Mania Processing

Sonic Mania is now older than a month. What was once a pipedream of a brand new Sonic developed by fans has finally happened. David The Lurker, Cinossu, Overlord, Bartman3010 and InstantSonic lend their voices to talk about the Mania and not-so Mania about Sonic’s return to 2D glory before the start of this year’s Sonic Amateur Games Expo and the Sonic Hacking Contest. Music composed by Tee Lopes. Expect spoilers in this one!


Sonic Mania – The Retro Review

By the fans, for the fans. Truer words have never been spoken when it comes to Sonic Mania, a game does the unthinkable in 2017: get everyone excited for Sonic the Hedgehog again. And by everyone, we’re not talking about just fans of series, but folks who have been withdrawn since the days of the Genesis, people who haven’t considered playing a Sonic game since 1995. And there’s good reason for that too, after a year of development, Christian Whitehead, Headcannon, PagodaWest, and a whole gaggle of friends, members, and family from Retro and beyond have created one of the series best entries ever.
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Game News, Opinion, Previews

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Mania Hands On Impressions

We played Sonic Mania, and now we’re going to tell you what we think! In this SEGA News Bits, George and I (Barry) rest our aching feet just hours after the Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Party in San Diego to share our reaction to the Sonic Mania reveal and give our thoughts on how the game plays. Do we have another Sonic 4 on our hands or is Sonic Mania the true successor to Sonic 3 & Knuckles? The answers are obviously “nope!” and “hell yes!” in that order.
Special thanks to Neo Hazard for letting us use his footage, you can check out his channel here! Also, thanks to Bartman for being the one to play the game in our footage. You can find Bartman’s YouTube channel here!
SEGA News Bits is a production of SEGAbits, covering all things SEGA and Sonic the Hedgehog. When we touch on Sonic stories, you’ll be seeing them here on Sonic Retro as well. If you enjoyed this episode of the SEGA News Bits, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and never miss an episode!

Fan Works, Game News

Taxman and Stealth celebrate Sonic & Knuckles’ 20th anniversary with a Sonic 3 & Knuckles proof of concept

Today marks the 20th anniversary of SEGA’s Sonic & Knuckles, and to celebrate, Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 remastered developer Christian Whitehead shared a proof of concept prototype from the Taxman & Stealth personal vaults featuring Sonic 3 & Knuckles running on the Retro Engine. Of course, this is presented unofficially, so don’t jump to the conclusion that a Sonic 3 & Knuckles remastered is on the way anytime soon. Still, awesome to see that they’ve done work on the much requested title, even in an unofficial capacity. The Taxman himself shared this link in our forums, stating that “this isn’t an official announcement of any Sega project, nor to we intend to work on this as a fan-project. It’s simply a proof of concept from our vaults that has been kept to our chests for some time.”
You can learn more about the technical side of the project in Stealth’s latest blog post!

Game News

SEGA Shows Support for Amazon Fire TV with Sonic Line-Up

Amazon’s set top box pulled a SEGA Saturn by releasing at the same time as it’s announcement, not only acting as a direct competitor to other multimedia devices such as the Apple TV and the Roku, but also acting as a dedicated game console as well, sporting it’s Android based operating system sporting games like Minecraft – Pocket Edition, Telltale’s The Walking Dead and more. With an Android based system comes SEGA with a number of conversions of their Android based Sonic games. Check out after the break below to see the list of games from SEGA that became available at the launch of the system as well as their price and more on these ports.
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Game News

Eggman Joins Sonic Dash, Sonic 1 and 2 Updated

Sonic-Dash-1A slew of updates rolled out for several Sonic titles across Android and iOS devices. Sonic 1 and 2 now both enjoy more stability and Android Kit Kat’s unobtrusive mode, while iOS7 support is included on the Apple side for Sonic 1, and the ability to use a controller instead of smudging screens with filthy fingers. Sonic 2‘s updates further refine multiplayer to be less of a hassle (though that still doesn’t seem to stop people from disconnecting… rude.)

If for some reason you still happen to be playing Hardlight Studios’ Sonic Dash, you’ll be delighted to find out that after putting up with Zazz beating you like a “DRUUUUUUM” for the past several months, a new boss has stormed out the gate to wreak havoc on the ever repetitive Seaside Hill Zone.

Every other run through the never-ending serpentine roads will result in Zazz and Eggman switching places to try and cut your run short. Unfortunately, while being two different characters, Hardlight decided to phone it in and just reuse the same boss A.I. So it’s less a new boss, more Zazz in an Eggman suit. At least the Egg Hornet theme from Sonic Adventure makes a return!

The update also contains new achievements for Silver and the announcement of the next global challenge to unlock series jewel thief Rouge the Bat. Neither are actually up and running as of publish time.


UPDATED: Impromptu VidyaRetro Stream: Sonic 2 Remastered

Have you ever wanted to watch some schmucks play a brand new game from 20 years ago? That’s exactly what we’re doing right now, so join us as we play the newly updated release of Sonic 2 right now!

Despite some issues, the stream is now being hosted on the Vidya Retro Youtube channel split into four parts. You can watch the normal playthrough of the game in two parts, the debug playthrough or take a look at the two player mode in action.

[Part 1] [Part 2] [Debug Mode] [2 Player Mode]

Game News

Sonic 2 Coming to iOS and Android Tomorrow With Hidden Palace Zone Intact


After missing it’s November release date, Taxman and Stealth’s remastering of Sonic 2 is finally coming to iOS and Android tomorrow. The delay is made worthwhile though with the addition of perhaps the most well known of the scrapped levels found in the beta versions: the Hidden Palace Zone. If you’ve played the duo’s Sonic 1 iOS/Android remastering, you probably know that they like to add other new stuff to the game. So you can probably expect other new features in this release as well.

If you already own the former Sonic 2 iOS port, you’ll be able to download this new version as a free update. This is the first time the game is released on Android though, so your only option is to buy it new when it comes to that platform. You can find a couple more screenshots of the remastering below.

[Source: Joystiq]

Game News

Sonic 1 Hits the Top 10 on Android and iOS

Less than a week ago, Sonic 1 received a Taxman/Stealth makeover for mobile platforms. The updated port has already cracked the Top 10 Paid Apps list in the US for both Google Play and the iOS App Store at #2 and #8, respectively. As we covered earlier, there are a ton of bonus features that more than warrant its $2.99 price tag. We encourage you to purchase the app, which you can find in the links below. After the jump you will also find some screenshots showcasing some of the bonus features (slight spoilers).

Google Play

App Store

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Sonic 1 on iOS and Android Landing Now


[UPDATE: It’s now on the Google Play store.]

Ever wondered when Taxman and Stealth’s Sonic 1 Retro Engine remaster would be made available? Next week? Next month?! Well, in fact it is actually hitting both the iOS and Android as soon as today or tomorrow depending on your region and platform. Most regions should be seeing the iOS port as soon as right now, or at least tomorrow. As for Android, according to Taxman on the Retro Forums he says, “Thursday 16th PST for Android, US & Canada so you’ll have to wait a bit longer sorry.”

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