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Ten years ago the 15th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog left us with a pretty sour taste. But did you know that there was one game that came out to celebrate the heritage with a racing game boasting an extreme attitude, extreme air and some extreme gear. Tune in 7PM Centra/1AM GMT for the livestream of Sonic Riders as the Retro crew and Unleashed Project’s own S0LV0 tour through the game in extreme style!
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sonic free riders
Community, Game News, Sega Retro
Retro Stream Today at 4PM Central — Play Sonic Free Riders and Guardian Heroes Online With Us
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We’re throwing out another Stream today! We’re going to be playing a random assortment of games, however starting at 5PM Central we will be inviting everyone to play Sonic Free Riders and Guardian Heroes for the Xbox 360. If you haven’t already, send your friend requests to VidyaRetro and we’ll try to add your name to the friends list.
This review has actually been a long time coming and I apologize for that. The reason was simply being unable to try out the VS. modes. Because of that, I’ve simply decided to make this a two-part affair. Anywho, hit the jump to learn all about the single player mode of the third (and final?) Sonic Riders title!