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Pix ‘N Love

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Monday Links: The Monday Edition

Sonic relic space marine

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Retro News

  • Dario put up a video of Cool Edge in Sonic Generations, also more details on when the Unleashed mod is going to be released. [Youtube] [ModDB]
  • Tiddles showed some new stuff for his Sonic 3 Complete hack, also this happened 2-3 weeks ago. Oops. [Sonic 3 Complete]
  • Pelikan13 has teased that The 90’s Arcade Racer could be coming to the Wii U. [Kickstarter]
  • David is still doing his Mobius 25 Years Later thing. [Part 12]

Sonic/SEGA News

  • SEGA bought Relic Entertainment, the developer of the Warhammer 40.000 and Company of Heroes game. Here’s some PR stuff about that. [SEGA Blog]
  • A behind the scenes video of Bayonetta 2 was shown during the latest Nintendo Direct. [Youtube]
  • Pix ‘N Love’s History of Sonic book is getting a collectors edition. [Sonic Stadium]
  • SEGA of Japan is doing a 24 hour long live stream on February 2nd/3rd featuring Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F, Phantasy Star Online 2, Yakuza 5, Rusty Hearts, Puyo Puyo and Sonic Team. [SEGAbits]
  • Sumo Digital has gotten approval to make one of the DLC characters for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed that fans requested. [SEGA Forums]
  • Another Aliens: Colonial Marines has been released, this one features cheesy lines that are supposed to sound bad-ass. [Youtube]

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Game Secrets, Interviews

Pix N Love’s History of Sonic Book in English Arrives this September

In lieu of a major Sonic title coming out, the 300 page hardcover book from French publisher Pix N Love will finally see a release in the Americas courtesy of Udon Entertainment who have issued a press release revealing the book will be made available in September. The book has been put up for pre-order for quite some time on, however Sega’s official blog has put up new scans of the book in English. At least, the big letters can be read in English.

For those unfamiliar, Pix N Love Publishing has been putting in efforts bringing up the detailed history of foreign developers and individuals through print format with interviews, product catalogs and provides an insight on the subject matter’s history. Unlike most other books from the publisher, the History of Sonic is going to be rolled up together into one book. Covering the history all the way up to Sonic Generations, complete with developer interviews and more in one hardcover bound book. In addition, with the publishing deal from Udon Entertainment, it will be guaranteed a wider distribution in the states, as opposed to the publisher sending out books to customers from it’s native country France. Currently pre-orders are available solely through More information as it develops.

[Source: The Sonic Stadium, Udon, Sega Blog]


Pix ‘N Love Set To Release L’Histoire de Sonic The Hedgehog

One of the things I’ve always lamented about is the fact that there has never been a proper written history of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sure, the story has been touched upon by short and/or poorly made documentaries, and the English did have magazines about the history of Sonic. However, there has never been a comprehensive single printed volume of the twists and turns of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. That is about to all change…as long as you’re able to speak French.

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