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Phantasy Star Nova

Game News, Miscellaneous, Sega Consoles, Sega Retro

Monday Links: Obligatory Dreamcast Anniversary Post Edition

20090909dreamcastBecause only the American release date of a console matters, people decided that today is the 14th anniversary of the Dreamcast. And to celebrate this on Sonic Retro is me: the one staff member that didn’t even know about the Dreamcast until it was already dead! Or you can just take a look at the things SEGAbits is doing, that might also be a viable option. Also we might stream something later today.

Retro/Bits News

Sonic/SEGA News

  • Phantasy Star Nova was announced at a Japanese Sony press conference today for the Playstation Vita and is being developed by tri-Ace (known for Star Ocean and Resonance of Fate) [SEGAbits]
  • Another likely Japan-only game, Yakuza Ishin is coming to the PS3 and PS4 [Youtube]
  • A new trailer of Hero Bank was released [Also Japan-only]
  • SEGA has some new hardware named Nu, and the first game to use it is Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone [Siliconera]
  • The Creative Assembly got Extra Credits to do a video series about Roman history for Total War: Rome II [Youtube]
  • The Castle of Illusion remake was released on XBLA, PSN and [Steam]
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