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Sonic Lost World Zelda DLC Storming Wii U Tomorrow

It’s been a while since SEGA unleashed Sonic into the world of Yoshi’s Island to save the rainbow-hued miniature dinosaurs. For those of you who haven’t given in and traded your Wii U copies of Sonic Lost World, SEGA’s Aaron “Ruby Eclipse” Webber, aficionado of all things Sonic and Hatsune Miku, revealed ever so suddenly that their second Nintendo-themed DLC for the game is going live tomorrow for the ridiculously expensive price of free.
As hinted back in a Nintendo Direct, the second DLC is centered around the world of The Legend of Zelda, and Sonic takes the theme to heart by sporting the legendary iconic green tunic of Link. In stark contrast to most of Sonic Lost World‘s offerings, the level is quite vast and focuses much more on exploration than just running through the level like you’re trying to beat that blasted mailman to the Kokiri Forest.
Webber mentions that this level complements the Yoshi DLC’s ability to score lives rapidly by focusing more on amassing Flickies rapidly, the little birds required to get past certain roadblocks between levels, and that many little secrets are hidden throughout the stage.
It may be a bit too late for a chunk of Lost World’s Wii U‘s players to get much out of the DLC’s intended purpose, but the level of work that went into the level is certainly impressive. Perhaps a sign of things that can be done with the engine given proper motivation? Let’s hope so.

Game News

Sonic Lost World Getting Free Yoshi’s Island Zone DLC Today

Nintendo just announced on the latest Nintendo Direct that Sonic will be kicking Shy Guys and collecting Yoshi Eggs in a new downloadable zone based on Yoshi’s Island for Sonic Lost World. This cross-over is available on the Wii U eShop right now for free.

Also announced was that a second piece of Nintendo cross-over DLC will be released at a later date. Iwata hinted with a pun too terrible to mention that Sonic will be running around in a Legend of Zelda-themed world in the upcoming expansion.

Game News

Sonic Generations 3DS is Going Digital

Sonic-Generations-3DS-Mushroom-Hill-Zone-Screenshot-10If you own a Nintendo 3DS and haven’t gotten your mitts on Sonic Generations yet (we liked it well enough for what it is), it looks like the game may finally be going to digital download through the eShop. Browsing for the game on the service reveals that the digital copy of the game is set to go live next Thursday, Sept. 5. However, it has no price tag as of yet.

There’s not been any word from SEGA about this re-release and it may just be another case of Sonic news spilling out early (it just keeps happening!)

Generations 3DS features its own set of unique levels and bosses (with rival races feeling very similar to the Sonic Rivals duology) from its console and PC counterpart, and incorporates Sonic Heroes-styled Special Stages to bag the Chaos Emeralds. It also features StreetPass functionality to share unlockable missions and profile cards that let you show off how big a Sonic fan you are.

[Source: GoNintendo]

Game News

Gamescom 2013: Sonic Lost World Trailer and Demo With Mostly New Levels Shown Off

So with Gamescom trailers and reveals happening today, the new trailer for Sonic Lost World SEGA promised last Thursday is now up on Gamespot’s Youtube channel. A new Frozen Factory zone, multiplayer modes and the return of elemental shields are shown off:

There’s also a new demo with a new Windy Hill zone, two Frozen Factory zones and a Silent Forest zone. If you’re going to Gamescom you can play it there for yourself, but for those not going there there’s this 22 minute long video with commentary showing it off after the jump. Impressions of the new demo can also be expected later this/next week here on Sonic Retro. Continue Reading

Game News

Casinos Are Back in Sonic Lost World


If you were disappointed that Casino Night’s remake in Sonic Generations was nothing more than a downloadable pinball table, you’ll be pleased to see that Sonic Lost World will have a very similar looking zone. Yesterday a bunch of screenshots showing it were put on The Sonic Stadium’s Facebook page by an user named Leo Dz.

There are also screenshots of other new acts of zones we had already seen, including a stage featuring an owl with spotlight eyes. Also some cactus things with faces. These can be seen below, this post will be updated when higher quality screens are available.

Update: The screenshots can now be viewed in 1080p, more screens have also been added. Click on that “read more” button there to see them.

[Via The Sonic Stadium]
[1080p Screenshots from ONM] Continue Reading

Game News

Plenty of New Sonic Lost World Gameplay Footage

Recently an IGN staffer tweeted that today they’d put up more Sonic Lost World stuff, and they certainly delivered. Above you can see 12 minutes of gameplay showcasing one Windy Hill act and two Desert Ruins acts with commentary from IGN guy and Aaron Webber. You can also see Sonic’s new moves,  the return of the Wisp abilities and Aaron Webber failing to get to an alternate path. IGN also put up a new preview with some new details.

Besides the Wii U gameplay above, there are also three gameplay clips of the 3DS version (made by DIMPS) for you to watch on your computer monitor after the jump.

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Game News

Third Nintendo-Exclusive Sonic Game Releasing This Year (Update: Or Not)


UPDATE: Turns out that someone at Nintendo Germany screwed up. The executive editor of IGN just tweeted that he re-confirmed with SEGA that the third mystery title won’t release in 2013. Guess we’ll have to make due with only two new Sonic games on Nintendo platforms this year, unless you count the 3DS version of Lost World as a seperate game. Sorry for the confusion folks.

It was only a couple of weeks ago when Nintendo announced that they made an exclusive partnership deal with SEGA for three brand new Sonic games exclusive to Nintendo platforms. The first two of these games being Mario and Sonic at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games and the recently revealed Sonic Lost World, both bound to be released later this year. Of course this leaves one mystery game yet to be announced.

Turns out we may not have to wait that long to know what it is. According to Sonic Stadium, Nintendo Germany spilled today in a press release that all three exclusives will be released this year. That sure is a lot of Sonic games for Nintendo haters to be pissed about in a single year. Of course this also means we probably won’t have to wait that long to know what this incredibly mysterious and secret game is. E3 is just around the corner, so it wouldn’t be surprising at all if it’d be announced there.

[source: The Sonic Stadium]

Game News

Sonic X-treme Meets Mario Galaxy in This Sonic Lost World Debut Trailer (Update)

Update: Screenshots of the Wii U and 3DS version and a preview with loads of details have been uploaded to IGN. The preview can be read here, the screenshots can be found below.

IGN just uploaded the debut trailer for Sonic Lost World, showing what the six guardians look like (surprise: they’re evil aliens!), but more importantly the new gameplay style. This isn’t just more of the same of what was seen in Sonic Unleashed, Colours and Generations. This also adds elements from Super Mario Galaxy and the cancelled Sonic X-treme into the mix.

Also note-able is that the game has a new beautiful plasticine-like style. Those who have wanted an incredibly stylized Sonic game (like me) will probably be very pleased by how this turned out. In addition, Flickies are back. Sonic Lost World will be out this fall exclusively on Wii U and 3DS.

Game News

Sonic Lost World to be Revealed on May 29th, Six New Characters Teased

Last week there were a couple of comments on a Sonic Stadium article that claimed the Sonic Facebook page accidentally revealed that Sonic Lost World will be unveiled on May 29th and that the game would feature six guardians of the Lost World who may or may not be evil. There was no proof that this Facebook post was actually made so we automatically assumed it was fake…

soniclw alien teaser

Turns out that rumors that can’t be backed up can actually be true sometimes. SEGA made a Facebook post confirming that the rumor along with this teaser image showing the silhouettes of the six cartoony alien guardians who may be evil. Of course, because Takashi Iizuka is working on this game and he worked on Sonic games that featured evil aliens, these aliens can definitely be nothing else but very evil.