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Job Listing Implies That More Sonic Boom Episodes Are In Production

Sonic Boom job listing

It looks like we’ll be getting more of Sonic Boom, as a job ad that SEGA put up a couple of days ago confirms that the TV show continues production. The job listing is for a “Director of TV Series Production and Distribution” who’ll oversee the production and distribution of the show. This also involves helping the CCO “evaluate business models for new opportunities/subsequent seasons of Sonic Boom“.
When the show was first revealed, SEGA mentioned in their press release that the show had an initial order of 52 eleven-minute episodes. It could be that the new episodes that are being produced are still part of this initial order, though of course it’s also possible that they’ve started production on a new season. You can read the full job listing after the jump.
[Via: The Sonic Stadium] Continue Reading

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