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Thanksgiving/Hanukkah Giveaway: Sonic Lost World Wii U and 3DS + Mario & Sonic 2014

UPDATE: [2013/12/03 05:13 PM EST] I’ve added a clarification for question #2 in response to some of the emails I have received: If you think you may have submitted an incorrect answer and this clarifies it for you, you may resend your answer for question #2. I’ll combine the emails for the final count.

benstein-gerbilThe following is a guest post by long-time community member GerbilSoft.

Hello, I’m GerbilSoft. And today, I’m going to make history.

I’m putting up TWO Sonic games that says I know more than you.

So if you’re smart enough, fast enough, and if you’ve got the guts, you can Win GerbilSoft’s Sonic Games!

Two winners will get the opportunity to select one of these three games:

Official Rules:

  • Participants will send their answers to the five questions below to [email protected], with subject: “Sonic Retro Thanksgiving Giveaway”. Entries must be sent by 2013/12/08 11:59 PM EST. [DON’T POST YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS!]
  • The giveaway is open to all legal residents (13 years of age or older) of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia (except ACT). Other countries may be eligible; check your local regulations.
  • Only one entry per person; make sure your answers are correct before you send your email!
  • Sonic Retro, Sega Retro, and SEGAbits staff are not eligible to participate.
  • Two winners will be randomly selected from all entries that have the correct answers for all 5 trivia questions. If no one got all five correct, then two will be selected for 4 out of 5, etc. If no one got any answers right, then you all suck and the contest will start over with new questions.
  • Winners will be announced within a week after the contest closes, and they will be contacted with regards to what game they would like to receive.
  • Prizes will be new games delivered to the winners using Amazon.

Win GerbilSoft’s Sonic Games!
If you want to win GerbilSoft’s Sonic Games, you just have to answer these five trivia questions. Send your answers to [email protected], with subject: “Sonic Retro Thanksgiving Giveaway”. Entries must be received by 2013/12/08 11:59 PM EST.

  1. What was the original name of the Sonic Retro Wiki?
  2. What was the first official Sonic game released for a non-Sega platform (excluding PC and single-game handhelds)? [CLARIFICATION: “Single-game handhelds” refers to a handheld device that can only play a single game; that is, it doesn’t have removable cartridges or discs.]
  3. What celebrity got the chance to play a Sonic 2 prototype on the TV game show Nick Arcade?
  4. What Sonic 1 zone was originally going to follow Green Hill Zone, until the developers decided it would be too difficult as the second zone?
  5. Big the Cat is known for his cameo appearances in Sonic Adventure 2. What other Sonic game did Big make cameo appearances in?
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