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Fan Works, Music

Something For The Weekend: Woofle’s Sonic 3 Alternates


So it’s been a pretty okay week for news, with the Sonic Runners reveal yesterday (it’s looking fairly good by the way) and forum member Jollyroger managing to get the leaked POV version of Sonic Xtreme to run on Saturn hardware – and while Monday links was packed with cool things to get your teeth into and is always a great start to the week (thanks TimmiT!), I’ve taken it upon myself to give you something to end the week on as well. Usually, this will be something like a mash-up or remix, news of some event going on over the weekend or, you know, generally weekend-y things.

Today, in keeping with the Sonic 3 Remastered campaign (it was featured on the Daily Star website of all things!), here’s some fantastic musical work courtesy of Leila ‘Woofle’ Wilson. This is a fantastic playlist of alternate takes on famous Sonic 3 tracks, noticeably different from their counterparts in the original game, but still fitting with the mood of each stage. I’m getting some Death Egg vibes from the Launch Base Zone track – which, considering the background of the stage, is only appropriate I guess.

Anyway, to cut this short – if you’ve finished work or school for the week, put your feet up, unwind, crack open a favored beverage and have a listen. Enjoy your weekend.