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Hang Out with Other Sonic Fans at SonicLondon Meetup 11

If you’re in London today and looking to hang out with some fellow Sonic fans, you picked a good day. Forum user HelenBaby has the details:

Sonic London 11

“A further few points about the event :

We will announce whether the meet will be held in the Plan A or Plan B venue in the days leading up to the meet depending on the weather forecast, as we have done in the past. If we go with Plan A, the picnic in Regent’s Park, guests are encouraged to bring along picnic blankets, picnic foods (obviously), suncream and water! I guess there will be less to bring if we go for the Plan B option, but do make sure you bring enough food (you are allowed to eat your own food inside the Royal Festival Hall thankfully) and, I guess, an umbrella?

~ Art Corner : The voice actor and artist Andrew Hamblin, a SonicLondon regular, has kindly agreed to host our Art Corner for us. Go over and join him, grab a pencil and some paper (provided) and get sketching!

~ Blackjack : At some point during the meet Cyburn (a member of SonicLondon staff) will be hosting a game of Blackjack, and the eventual winner will recieve a prize. Time and prize to be confirmed on the day.

~ 3DS/Vita Corner : Our friends from Monster Hunter Community UK have kindly agreed to host our handheld corner. They’ll be happy to play the likes of MK7/Mario Tennis/Luigi’s Mansion 2 with attendees. And would, of course, be most up for a sneaky Monster Hunt with those of you that way inclined.

~There’s also going to be a Sonic Transformed (3DS) tournament, with e-shop vouchers as prizes (courtesy of Nintendo).


For more details and to RSVP please see : “

Community, Fan Works

London Gaming Con: The Report

There’s something about human contact, isn’t there? I haven’t been seen around here so much lately, but if you mention that there’s a meet-up somewhere close to me, I’ll be there. People, with their strange, squishy bodies and minds. Man, I love ’em. You might not be surprised, then, when I tell you that the idea of covering London Gaming Con for Sonic Retro appealed to me. Put a bunch of gamers in the Rocket Complex, add internet celebrities and sprinkle a bit of technology about the place, then bake for a couple of days. That’s my kind of weekend.

Well actually, it was my kind of Sunday because the Saturday was taken up with a family wedding. As a result, I missed out on Dr. Ashen, CoLD SToRAGE and the busier of the two days. What I didn’t miss was the Super Sonic Sunday programme of events, which sought to celebrate our blue hero as his 20th anniversary year draws to a close. You can see some of these events in the video below:

Of course, that’s only part of the story. Do you want to see pics and things? Of course you do. Click the post break already.

There’s something about human contact, isn’t there? I haven’t been seen around here so much lately, but if you mention that there’s a meet-up somewhere close to me, I’ll be there. People, with their strange, squishy bodies and minds. Man, I love ’em. You might not be surprised, then, when I tell you that the idea of covering London Gaming Con for Sonic Retro appealed to me. Put a bunch of gamers in the Rocket Complex, add internet celebrities and sprinkle a bit of technology about the place, then bake for a couple of days. That’s my kind of weekend.

Well actually, it was my kind of Sunday because the Saturday was taken up with a family wedding. As a result, I missed out on Dr. Ashen, CoLD SToRAGE and the busier of the two days. What I didn’t miss was the Super Sonic Sunday programme of events, which sought to celebrate our blue hero as his 20th anniversary year draws to a close. You can see some of these events in the video below:

Of course, that’s only part of the story. Do you want to see pics and things? Of course you do. Click the post break already. Continue Reading

Fan Works, Humor

‘Mario and Sonic at the Royal Wedding’ Results

Not one to be left out of the free publicity, Mario and Sonic pose with the kissing couple. By Blazing Tails

Well, this actually went better than I had anticipated!

Just for all of you to have some fun and get a few laughs (and cheap plug time!) we asked you, beloved readers, to take a crack at Mario and Sonic gate crashing the wedding of the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

And with two solid entries, the mission was accomplished!

HSX's submission of Mario and Sonic breaking into the British royal wedding. By HSX

Congratulations to Blazing Tails and HSX for two rather amusing entries and for answering the call. We weren’t looking for an absolute excellence in photoshop or GIMP, but these two are quite solid!

Stay tuned for another Photoshop Friday, as you may see another one if and when we get a subject!

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Game News

Rumor Mill: New Sonic Game To Be Announced in Nintendo Power

As Sonic’s 20th Anniversary year chugs on, Sega has shown three titles for the franchise in a tease of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, the duel of mascots thrice over in Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games and an assault of media for the upcoming PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Sonic Generations.

And yet, it seems that aside from a downloadable game and a collection of mini-games that Wii and 3DS owners are hardly getting any love in the form of a substantial Sonic platformer.

That may all be changing as next month’s Nintendo Power magazine includes a rather substantial teaser for the celebration of Sonic’s 20th Anniversary, featuring an edited version of teaser art for Sonic Generations. Could it mean that Sonic Generations is headed to a Nintendo console?

At the moment, it’s unlikely, but considering that Nintendo’s Project Cafe is set to be demonstrated at next month’s E3, and one of its rumored bits of design allows developers to easily port games from Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, it’s certainly a possibility.

Or it could even be a brand new title. This would go against what Sega of America Vice President of Sales and Marketing Alan Pritchard said in an interview with GameInformer last year stating that the company only had three new titles lined up for the franchise, as we already have three titles for the most part announced.

After the warm reception Sonic Colors got on both the Wii and DS in sales, a Sonic title for any of the console giant’s trinity is all but confirmed.

Community, Humor, Site News

Photoshop Friday: Mario and Sonic at the Royal Wedding

It’s Friday, Friday!

…How the hell did that become so popular? Ugh. Now that the hype of the royal wedding is going to wind down, it’s time for something somewhat new here at Retro.

Let’s play a little game! About a week ago, the crazy people over at Sega had some fun teasing their upcoming game Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games with a little photo tour of Mario and Sonic across the various sites of London.

So, here’s your mission: using photos of those Mario and Sonic suits, create some photoshop wizardry of the two gate crashing the royal wedding or simply mingling with the thousands outside Westminster Abbey.

The best ones will be featured in a future post here with the opportunity for a cheap plug to your page! I’m looking at you, roving deviantartists. The only rule is to try and keep it rated PG and safe for work, though subtle suggestiveness is welcome. In other words, nothing that will get a person fired if their boss saw it.

The deadline is next Friday at midnight UTC. That’s 8 p.m. for you U.S. East Coast types. Just link them down in the comments below. Good luck and have fun!

Game News

Mario And Sonic Go To Mini-Game War Again In London

Sonic Generations has commanded the attention of the fan base since its reveal earlier in the week. That still hasn’t stopped Sega from quietly confirming that Mario and Sonic will continue their bitter rivalry 20 years too late as they compete in the 2012 Olympic Games in London.


Although it’s another compilation of mini-games for the Nintendo Wii, Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be the series’ debut on the Nintendo 3DS. DS owners need not apply, as it looks like there’s no DS version planned.

New events include horseback riding and football (the non-American kind), meaning those still stuck in the ’90s can finally have Mario and Sonic face off for two halves of headbutts and red cards.

While it’s easy to brush the game aside as another collection of mini-games, having the two mascots face off in the Olympics served Sega well, as the games have so far been sleeper hits for the company, selling over 19 million copies globally.

No release date has been penciled in for the title, but it’s safe to assume it will either be by year’s end or certainly before next year’s Olympic ceremonies begin.

Check out the full press release after the jump.

[Via Sonic Stadium]

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