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Jet Set Radio

Game News, Sega Retro

Sega Hosts Graffiti Contest and Reveals Details for Jet Set Radio Re-Release

 Sega has revealed more tidbits available for Jet Set Radio slated for re-release for digital distribution. Sega will be releasing the title for PC platforms along with Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 slated for this summer. Sega has also revealed a handful of screenshots showcasing the widescreen presentation. Even without updating the graphics, the game still looks just as vibrant as it did before.

Sega has also opened up a contest open to all in the US and UK regions for artists (Or would be vandals?) to submit their graffiti pieces to be used in the game. Up to 18 will be selected and will award those with a number of prizes including a Bluetooth, solar powered Rukus.  Details for the contest can be found at

Game News, Sega Retro

Jet Set Radio Skating Towards XBLA and PSN

Turns out the new Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 trailer (more on that later) may not be the most important Sega-related reveal today. A teaser trailer for the re-release of Jet Set Radio, a favorite of all Dreamcast fans, has just been released on Youtube. While there’s no release date announced, we do know that it will be released on Xbox Live Arcade and Sony Entertainment Network.

It seems like fans don’t need to worry much about Sega having lost the licensing to the music like with the digital release of Crazy Taxi, considering Funky Radio can be heard in the video above. Now let’s just hope it gets a better treatment than the other Dreamcast ports released so far as well.