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christmas with sonic

Animation, Community, Fan Works

Christmas with Sonic, Retro Wishes You A Merry Yule

Just like the daylight gets shorter and trees wither in the on-coming cold spell (in the northern hemisphere), a new winter brings a new Christmas with Sonic by Balena Productions.
Christmas with Sonic, a series of animations with Sonic and friends celebrating a festive time with some fun storylines, brings a new installment by Steven Page. You may or may not know his other works such as “Sonic in Jaws” and “Sonic is Scared Stupid” from your “Recommended for You” list on YouTube. This time, the intrepid Blue Blur celebrates Christmas like a proper snowbird: in the tropics visiting the Prower family. The short is illustrated by Riana.
It’s been a largely slow year for a series about a hedgehog that goes fast, but it’s a quiet before the storm as Sonic enters his 25th anniversary (and the ability to legally rent a car!) in 2016. But from us at Sonic Retro, we wish you all a Happy Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus/Popsicle/Etc. and look forward to rocking 2016 strong with all of you!

Community, Fan Works, Humor

Charming Cartoon Shows Us Christmas with the Robotniks

The holidays are a special time. Some enjoy the winding down the beginning of winter brings, others enjoy punching people for that huge TV you probably didn’t need but it’s cheap so why not. Either way, for better or for worse, the holidays mean spending time with friends and family. This includes super villains like our favorite ovum-shaped robot overlord, Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik.
Continuing off from a series of Christmas movies starring Sonic and his friends (and relatives) begun in 2011, Sonic’s Christmas festivities hit a swerve when Dr. Eggman crashes the party and invites the cast to spend time with his own family. As with the other two, the writing is funny and the voice acting is pretty good, and (at least for me), I kind of enjoy the scribbled art look the movies sport. Great work by the folks at Balena productions.
Regardless of which holiday you’re celebrating, we here at Sonic Retro also wish all of you a happy holidays and to enjoy yourselves a Sonic game or two during this break. But not Sonic Boom. Even Santa’s mischievous counterpart Krampus wouldn’t be that cruel.

Community, Site News

Monday Links: Jumping Christmas Eve Edition

Unless you’re like my family, you’re probably going to be off celebrating the holidays with your loved ones or at the very least unwrapping presents and doing your best Nintendo 64 kid impression of sorts over that Wii U where you’ll spend countless hours playing System Update. No matter who you are or what religion you may be, we’ve got a handful of things that might interest you this fine Monday.

Sonic/SEGA News

  • Sonic Jump finally lands on Android [Google Play]
  • Unlike the last Steam sale, Sonic Adventure 2 is now on sale for half off. [Sonic Adventure 2 on Steam]
  • Also on Steam there’s this Sonic franchise sale on Steam as well that compiles all the Sonic games together. [Steam Sonic Franchise Sale]
  • Pix N Love’s History of Sonic can be found in comic book stores right now. [Udon Entertainment]
  • You should also look into this Sega Arcade Classics Vol. 1 from the fine folks at Hardcore Gaming 101. [HG101]
Sonic Retro News
  • Don’t forget about Overlord’s review of the Fleetway comics. [How Fleetway Played the Games Part 5]
  • Same goes for David the Lurker’s overview on the Archie comics and KEN PENDERS. [Mobius 25 Years Later Part 6]
  • Another Christmas With Sonic is still on it’s way, hopefully by Friday. [Christmas with Sonic]
  • I’m kind of lazy when it comes to converting the material to Youtube, but we’ve got most of our streams archived on TwitchTV in the meantime. [TwitchTV]
  • A long time ago when I made this article, the person who made those videos also went a did a Youtube series comparing several games and letting the people decide which is the best. They also provide insight on the culture behind each game along with some very useful gameplay tips.  [Versus Battlecast]

Other Stuff

Or you could watch some Power Stone anime…