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Discotek Media Announces Sonic X Blu-Ray ‘Original Japanese Version’

Its the Blu-ray news Sonic fans have been waiting for since the release of the original Sonic X Blu-ray in 2019. Discotek Media has recently aired a panel on their Twitch channel showcasing new releases leading up to the current plans for next year. Among the announcements was a new Blu-ray set for the ‘subtitled’ version of Sonic X labelled as ‘Original Japanese Version.’ This set features all episodes uncut with the original audio tracks previously unreleased to home video outside of Japan. This includes the “Metarex” story arc that was not broadcast in Japan until 2020. Brought by popular fan demand and even a push internally at Discotek from producer Brady Hartel, this release comes in featuring the best possible standard resolution presentation these episodes have ever seen with the launch window slated for winter of 2023. (Edited 10/26/2022) Which is a few months from now!)

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Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Coming to Blu-Ray

It’s 1993. You rush home from school, the smell of pizza rolls filling your nose as you burst into the house. Jumping into the living room, you see the Sega Genesis, the Sonic 2 cart still plugged in from last night. But before you turn it back on, you switch to a local station. The theme song is already in progress – Sonic the Hedgehog, running around an abstract landscape, his name being used as a weapon. Yes, it was time to watch Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. And now? You can do it all over again, thanks to the people over at Discotek Media.

Best known for their anime sets, Discotek is no stranger to the blue blur, having previously released the complete English dub of Sonic X on blu-ray. Adventures of Sonic is following in Sonic X‘s footsteps, getting the blu-ray treatment for the first time. While the episodes will be in standard definition, Discotek has promised they will look closer to the master tapes than ever before, not to mention being in stereo, which the most recent DVD release lacked. A slew of special features were also announced, including the original pitch pilot and animation rushes from the first episode of the series. But perhaps the most exciting extra are the brand new commentaries on two episodes from the man who made Robotnik sexy, Milton Knight.

The set is slated for release in February 2022. Continue on for an image gallery of what’s in store.

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