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Community, Site News

Sonic Unleashed Preview Build Released

Sonic Unleashed is seen as one of the biggest 3D entries in the history of Sonic. Whether you like the werehog or not, it brought a massive overhaul to the game design philosophy of Sonic working in the third dimension. The beautiful environments based on real-life locations, fast gameplay and a unique lighting engine all housed under the “Hedgehog Engine” helped achieve a major milestone for fast-paced 3D platformers. Fast forward towards the end of the downer year that is 2016, it has brought us one thing that can shed some meaningful insight on the development of Sonic Unleashed; the release of an Xbox 360 preview build.

At least, the first disk.

Forum user N!NJA released the build two days ago and already there has been several discoveries thanks to the efforts of others data mining information, uploading screenshots, videos and more. In addition the build also comes with debugging tools that highlights NPC and enemy behavior status, camera direction and gameplay control modifiers. While you can run the build on a modified Xbox 360 console, it is recommended to use a dev kit as you may run into crashes forcing you to shut down the console.
Some of the notable differences include…

  • 60fps! …but not very stable, lots of screen tearing and drops
  • Unused level and object layouts
  • Placeholder graphics
  • Old menu system seen in early E3 previews
  • Old GUI, especially for the Sonic the Werehog stages
  • …and more!

N!NJA promises to release builds for other Sonic titles in the near future. If you want a quick look at the preview build, hit the jump to check out some links! Stay up to date with the discoveries thread to see what all has been unearthed from the preview build thus far or take a look at the build for yourself in the discussion thread.
[Source: Sonic Retro Forums]
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Community, Fan Works, Hacking, Podcasts, Site News

SEGA Channel Retro: Windy Valley Mod for SADX, Featuring CorvidDude

The live show is already over, but you can check out the archived stream above as well as more content below!
This week’s live show on SEGA Channel Retro is a tour through the Windy Valley Beta Mod that was released recently for Sonic Adventure DX. We’ll also have CorvidDude, the author of the mod bringing his insight on restoring the level from the AutoDemo.
If you want to check out the mod for yourself, you can hop over to CorvidDude’s YouTube channel and check the links in the description of this video.
I’m joined by Overlord, GeneHF and OverlyEquippedin our little venture as we also check out the latest Sonic title, Sonic Jump Fever as well as catch up with Sonic Dash with Andronic. Also say hello to me as I try to roll eggs with Billy Hatcher in SEGA Superstars. Finally I take a blind look at Atlus and ACE Team’s latest offering, Abyss Odyssey.
Sonic Adventure DX: Windy Valley Restoration Mod with CorvidDude [Twitch] [YouTube]
Sonic Jump Fever, Sonic Dash, SEGA Superstars [Twitch]
Abyss Odyssey [Twitch] [YouTube]

Game Secrets

The Story of the Sonic Beta, With The Best Shots You’ll See Today

When it comes to new information about early versions of Sonic the Hedgehog titles, we here at Sonic Retro get very excited. If you’ve been here long enough, you may remember that this whole community was birthed because a certain fellow stumbled across the Sonic 2 Beta many moons ago. In the interim, we’ve been able to get our hands on even more Sonic 2 prereleases, not to mention early builds of Chaotix, Sonic CD, Sonic Spinball, and who can forget the interviews and concept art that have been gathered over the years…but there has been a holy grail that is still elusive to this day. Something that, until last summer, we didn’t even know existed. What I am talking about is the very first playable version of the original Sonic the Hedgehog designed specifically for the Tokyo Toy Show back in June of 1990. The only shots of that build we had for ages were of Sonic standing in a pose not seen anywhere else, and Sonic running next to a sign that we still don’t have a clear shot of. But today, that all has changed.

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Game News

See Sonic Generations Beta on Steam With Your Own Eyes

If you caught the tweet two hours ago, you’re no doubt already aware that Sonic Generations was spotted up on Steam in a beta state.

But before you go running off to try and somehow hijack it and do whatever it is you plan to do with it, learn that it cannot be downloaded. However, you can safely see its presence in the Steam index without any worry of breaking laws or losing your Steam account permanently.

Make sure your Steam client is up to date and download the Steam Registry Tool Kit here. You’ll need .NET Framework 2.0, so this is for Windows Users only.

Open the program, and open the file “ClientRegistry.blob” located in C:\Program Files\Steam (or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam for you Windows Vista and 7 users.) Double click on ContentDescriptionRecord, which is a registry entry on the right panel. If you don’t see ContentDescriptionRecord, make sure the folder “TopKey” is highlighted on the left sidebar.

Finally, go to the Subscriptions tab, to the dropdown right below the tabs, and go to I.D. 8449.

Not the most exciting bit of news other than the impromptu confirmation for the PC version of the game. We’ll keep you posted if anything more develops or from official word from Sega. Special thanks to forum member Hinchy for the above process.