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3D Sonic The Hedgehog: The Retro Review


Another year, another re-release of Sonic The Hedgehog. Ho-hum. No, you won’t find much different here if you’ve played this game at some point in the last 22 years, and it definitely isn’t a revolution like “Team Stealth-Tax”‘s Sonic 1 Mobile update on iOS and Android . Instead, let’s focus on what’s a little more interesting in this project: M2’s “GigaDrive” system running this bad boy. How does it handle Sonic 1 on your 3DS?

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Fan Works

New Sonic Fan Project Shows Promise

Forum member pelikan13 surprised the Retro forums earlier today with his as-of-yet unnamed Sonic fan project. Sporting wonderful 3D graphics and running on the Unity3D engine, the project shows immense amounts of promise, even being instantly praised as how the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 4 “should have been done.”

Here’s a screenshot:

More screenshots and even a video are available in the relevant forum topic.

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