April 1, 2020
The Sonic Hacking Contest has two announcements, one of which you may be familiar with. The details for the Hacking Contest for 2020 has been revealed and can be read on our forums here.
That’s not all however. While the contest staff is working to revise the website, they’ve now opened access to download entries from previous years. While there are entries still missing, plenty of submissions have been restored, including entries that were previously hosted offsite. These entries are preserved in download only format, meaning there is currently no way to preview entries or look at screenshots. That said, plenty of favorites have been put into once place for easy access. The Unleashed Project, Sally in Sonic 1, Big’s Fishing Derby, Sonic Bash and countless others are now available in one spot.
There are still entries missing and the vault is dedicated to hacks and mods only shown to the public. But if there was a favorite you’ve been looking to try again after so long, the vault is your best bet to find exactly what you’re looking for. Contest staff are also looking for missing entries to add into the vault, especially those that were available off site at the time. If anybody is holding onto the entries, especially the original authors, please sound off if you wish for your previous entry to be added to the vault.
Head on over to the vault which can be accessed here.