Daily Archives

March 17, 2017

Opinion, Podcasts

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania SXSW discussions

Now that the SXSW Sonic the Hedgehog panel has passed, George and Barry discuss what we learned regarding Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces. We talk about Sonic Mania‘s delay, Flying Battery Zone being announced, new official Sonic Mania artwork, the Sonic Mania soundtrack vinyl, the first real life look at the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition, our thoughts on the Sonic Forces title, first details revolving around Sonic Forces‘ gameplay and other predictions based on what we have seen so far. Our Sonic Forces video is above and after the break, check out our Sonic Mania video.
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Game News

Sonic Forces Us To Recap SXSW

Surely the internet isn’t going to make the title of this article a played out meme before it goes up, nope, probably not, nah.
So that Sonic SXSW panel happened, and we got some pretty good reveals out of it. And enough of them for us to actually make a recap article for once! Now, if you want to watch the panel for yourself, Tails’ Channel has the panel up on his YouTube channel. But if you just want all the news about Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces, here’s our recap: Continue Reading