Daily Archives

February 8, 2017

Game News, Game Secrets

SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol Dumped and Released to Celebrate MAME’s 20th Anniversary

The once long-elusive SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol has finally been found, dumped, released, signed, sealed, delivered by the good folks of the Dumping Union, a group dedicated to preserving old arcade games that may have otherwise been lost to time. Cosmo Fighter was released in celebration of MAME, a notorious emulator that aims to recreate the hardware of thousands of arcade titles, which turned twenty years old on February 5th. An entire playthrough was uploaded to YouTube by ashthedragon, as seen above. If we’re doing our math correctly, every known, officially released Sonic game has been dumped as of this release, meaning all that’s left are prototypes/tech demos and any rare unreleased games.