Game News

Freedom Planet 2 Announced

Turns out GalaxyTrail had a Christmas surprise in store, with them just having announced Freedom Planet 2. Several of our forum members are involved with the game’s development, with Stephen DiDuro (aka Strife) being the project lead again, Christian Whitehead (aka The Taxman) working on the game’s engine in Unity, and Falk Au Yeong consulting and mastering the game’s soundtrack.
Lilac, Carol and Milla return as the game’s protagonists, with each having a new look. And just like in the first game, there’ll be an adventure mode with a story and classic mode where all of the cutscenes are skipped. You can find a whole lot more info on the game’s official website, so be sure to check that out. And if you’re a member of our forums, you can discuss the game there as well.
If you haven’t played the original Freedom Planet, you can buy it for 35% off right now on Steam. It’s also available on the Wii U eShop, though there’s no discount on that version at the moment.

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  • Reply

    Have you guys ever heard of Rodea? If you were such big Sonic fans you would probably make a post about a game made by one of the most influential figures in Sonic’s history. Yuji Naka spent years developing the game and can’t get any support from Sonic Fans. And FYI; Freedom Planet news isn’t Sonic news.

    • Reply

      I’m pretty sure Naka doesn’t need help from fans promoting his games when he’s been broadcasting on his own to buy the game but to only play the Wii version (As the other two versions have nothing to do with him.) If anything, the blame falls on the publisher of the game for not putting more effort out. But again… “only play the Wii version” is Rodea’s whole M.O.
      Whereas Strife is a long-time member of our forums and is a fledgling indie developer that could use the signal boost. Given that Freedom Planet started off as a Sonic fangame until Strife decided he wanted to do something bigger that would not make Sega bust his kneecaps, the disconnect is irrelevant.

      • Reply

        Yeah I actually love Freedom Planet! And Christian’s work on the remastered classics is fantastic. I just wish you guys cared a little more about Naka too. Sorry for getting butthurt there.

    • Reply

      It’s Sonic Retro news though. Like I said in the article, various members from our forums are working on the game.
      We’ll see what we can do about covering Rodea though. The Wii version’s pretty darn good. But the lack of promotion is the publisher’s fault, not ours.

  • Reply

    Taxman and Falk? Oh god what, I don’t ev- Rafael Ventura?

  • Reply

    This trailer though holy shit this is impressive. i thought this was a genesis style game not an theatrical epic!! It’s impressive. I need to get the freakingg first game soon.
    I’m just not digging the new deisgns ugh. OMG LILAC MY WAIFU WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU!? LOL
    Nah I’m excited.

  • Reply

    this looks neat. i had interest in the first one, but i never got around to (spending money on) it. i’ll try and see if it’s in the cards next week when i get paid or something. still, super cool.

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