Returning to your regular weekly scheduling, my counterpart TimmiT graced the front page with a new Monday Links and it is with great pleasure that I bring you the return of Something For The Weekend! And there was much rejoicing.
Now, I wanted to feature a bit of music again this weekend and this time, the tunes are courtesy of Retro member Sean Evans. Coming from his album ‘Sonic Tempo’, Sean has created a soundtrack reminiscent of Sonic CD in both instrumentation and theme. An excerpt from his description of the album goes “When Sonic wakes, he discovers he’s on the Miracle Planet, but what’s more is that he appears to be in the Miracle Planet’s galaxy! In the distance Sonic can see a black hole, slowly sucking the planet in. The only explanation is that someone has been tampering with the flow of time, and if Sonic doesn’t hurry, Miracle Planet might just fade away, and him along with it!”
I highly recommend giving these tracks a listen as it’s clear Sean has put some serious love into them and they would sound right at home in a classic Sonic game. Check the bottom of this article for a playlist or click here to go straight to the album’s SoundCloud page.
In other news, community regular HelenBaby has transferred the running of the Sonic London meets to new organizer, ForeverSonic of RadioSEGA fame! In celebration of this, he will be hosting a comeback meet on Sunday 26th July 2015 at Regents Park in London. The event is an open invitation and you can sign up here or express your interest and ask questions in HelenBaby’s forum thread here.
And with all that said, I leave you with this weekend’s tunes. Enjoy!