SEGA just announced that three more 3D Classics games will be released on Nintendo 3DS later this year. These include: 3D Streets of Rage 2 coming this July, 3D Gunstar Heroes coming this August, and 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 coming this September. Aside from the addition of 3D effects, these new versions will likely have plenty of extra features. Each of them will cost $5.99/€4.99/£4.49 and will be released on the eShop.
Also, real talk, Gunstar Heroes is pretty darn good and you all should get that instead of yet another Sonic 2 re-release if you’d have to choose between the two. Just saying, you’ve probably played Sonic 2 enough times already.
How DARE you suggest I’ve played Sonic 2 enought times already!? Just because I’ve played it on the MegaDrive 3-in-1 cartrige, and the original Sonic 2 cartrige, and the Sonic Mega Collection for X-Box, and the Sega MegaDrive Collection on PSP (and rebought for the Vita), and a plastic built-in plug-and-play device for the TV, and….
I hope the sonic 2 game for 3ds is like the ios/android version also.
I can guarantee you it isn’t. 3D Sonic 1 is a better indication on what it is like.
A 3D Sonic 2 would look pretty cool. I hope for a 3D Sonic 3 and Knuckles or remastered game.
However, I disagree with the article stating we shouldn’t get Sonic 2 because we played it a dozen of times already. By that logic, then we shouldn’t get Gunstar Heroes either because that was played a dozen of times already as well. Why not just get both instead of comparing two completely different games?
“if you’d have to choose between the two”
At least this 3D Sonic 2 will have real buttons.
Rather get Sonic 2, have Gunstar Heroes on too many systems, plus Sonic is faster.
Wait…Gerbilsoft…did you not get that SoFox was joking?
Was more to the comment at the end of the article, which Tim just clarified.
Saying you shouldn’t get Sonic 2 because “you’ve probably played Sonic 2 enough times already” is like saying you shouldn’t ever have another twinkie because you’ve had enough during the whole length of your lifetime.
It can be a problem when buying Sonic 2 over and over when it’s just a emulated rom (though M2 puts a whole out more effort in these than Backbone ever did), makes SEGA wonder why they should bother with getting new remastered ports when everyone already buys the emulation jobs.
I assume the majority of the community would rather see quality remasters of the Genesis games across handheld, mobile, console and PC than assorted emulations.
Why not Sonic 3 & Knuckles? That’s my favorite Sonic game on the Genesis.
But then again, it would be expensive to make like back then.
TimmiT, are you TRYING to make sure Sonic 3 Remastered never happens!?
I’m trying to make sure that Gunstar Heroes Remastered happens.
damn if this is going to be like the Sonic 1 version then we won’t see Hidden Palace Zone, from the android/iOS version in 3D.
I hear the 3DS version of Sonic 1 was decent. Not as good as the StealthTax mobile version, but still worth playing. So the 3DS version of Sonic 2 should be worth picking up.
I know we’ve had countless releases of Sonic 2, but I wouldn’t mind a PS4 release in the near future.
Funny how the one game that wasn’t mentioned in the title is the only game I care for, I didn’t play Gunstar heroes as a kid so I don’t know much about it and I honestly don’t like Sonic 2 much, call me when they announce Sonic 3 3D!
Not having played Gunstar Heroes is all the more reason to buy Gunstar Heroes.
Hmm, well. I got Sonic Classics Collection (DS) recently so I could play Sonic 2 on my 3DS. Gonna have to pass.
Now, Gunstar Heroes, I may consider that.