This was a pretty good week when it comes to SEGA stuff, with them revealing new games and releasing 3D OutRun, a fantastic re-release of the original game with new features. And among the games they revealed was Tembo the Badass Elephant, an action sidescroller by Game Freak that’s coming to PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. It was playable at EGX Rezzed earlier this week, and the first impressions from the couple of our forum members who were there are pretty positive. It’s always nice to see a new quirky sidescroller, so we’ll be looking forward to this one.
Featured SEGAbits Article of the Week
- The SEGAbits review of 3D OutRun for the Nintendo 3DS [Not to be confused with OutRun 3D]
SEGAbits Features
- Celebrating 20 years of the amazing world of Panzer Dragoon [I should probably play these games at some point]
- Classic SEGA Magazine Corner: Xbox Nation’s “Chasing the Dragon”, an inside look at Panzer Dragoon Orta [I really, really should]
- A couple of announcements about the Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam 2015 [Website launch and donations]
- Sonic Talk #31: “We’re gonna need a bigger podcast” [No you don’t, you’ve had longer episodes]
- Tembo the Badass Elephant was revealed [Trailer | Gameplay video]
- Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight, a remake of the first game’s sequel, is coming to the North America [As always with Atlus games, sorry Europe]
- Atlus is also localizing Lost Dimension for PlayStation 3 and Vita [Coming this Summer in the US]
- SEGA is publishing a SRPG for the Nintendo 3DS called Stella Glow [Announcement | Gameplay]
- Compile Heart announced Hyperdimension War Neptunia VS Sega Hard Girls: Dream Fusion Special for the PlayStation Vita [Girls who are consoles meet other girls who are consoles]
- Our chibi Vocaloid needs are met with this new Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX trailer [Also the first Puyo Puyo game to be released in the west since forever]
First it was Pulse Man, Next was Harmo Knight and now this. Guess like Game Freak wanted a break from Pokemon for a while.
Pulseman was released years before they put out Pokémon. :V
But yeah, a few years ago they started letting their employees make smaller games and prototypes and stuff for part of their time, and so far from that has come HarmoKnight, Solitiba and now Tembo the Badass Elephant.
Damn, there are some juicy news here!
I love Hi-sCool Seha Girls! I’m watching the anime right now!