So I don’t feel like writing anything with any real substance this week and I’ve been watching stuff lately so I’ll just recommend some random stuff: the Speed Racer movie, Death Parade, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, Star Trek (the J.J. Abrams one), a rewatch of Cowboy Bebop, the Sonic OVA, and Dragon Ball Kai. Also 30 Rock.
Also these links.
Sonic Retro stuff
- snkenjoi made this web based mapping / tile / DPLC editor called Flex. [Real handy for if you need a quick way to edit sprites]
- biggestsonicfan got the debug mode in the Xbox 360 version of Sonic the Fighters to work. [Maybe we’ll finally find out if Ashura was gonna be playable!!!]
- Felik revealed new blurry screenshots of his fangame called Sonic Mega Drive. [After which someone made them less blurry and revealed that his game is actually pretty nice looking]
- Our good friends at SEGAbits interviewed our good friend Stealth about the Sonic 1 and 2 remasters. [Shocking development secrets uncovered!]
- Hit Reset wants us to give Sonic 3D Blast another chance in this new video. [If anything it’s worth playing for the music at least]
- Nova mentioned my Monday Links thing in his Something For The Weekend thing so I should probably mention it back [Also that Sonic remix album is pretty sweet]
Sonic stuff
- Sonic Runners got a soft launch for everyone in Japan, Canada, and people who know how to get around the region block. [Also surprisingly it’s a pretty decent time waster]
- Also files were found by forum user Woun indicating that lots of other characters including Big and Vector will be playable in Sonic Runners in the future. [Also Charmy for some reason]
- If for some reason you thought Sonic would go mobile only, Iizuka has reaffirmed that Sonic Team won’t stop making Sonic games for consoles anytime soon. [So chances of a new Burning Rangers are still zero]
Other stuff
- Unreal Engine 4 can now be used for free by everyone [No, nobody has made a Sonic fangame with it yet]
- Clayfighter will get a remastered re-release next year [I honestly can’t think of any reason why]
- Valve and HTC are joining in on this VR headset craze [Cause VR is cool]
- RIP Leonard Nimoy [Live long and prosper]
Video of the week
Next week you should tell us how far you get in Sonic Runners.
you typo’d;
you called Sonic Runners “Sonic Future” on accident when you talked about the other future characters
I guess that’s what happens when I’m tired and don’t really care when writing an article.