Coming this June from Archie Action its the continuation of the epic Sonic and SEGA, Mega Man and Capcom crossover Worlds Unite – which kicks off the month before in May. Courtesy of Archie, we have the latest solicits, featuring a milestone issue for Mega Man who hits the big five-oh (remember Sonic’s 50th, when Robotnik died? Seems like ages ago) and the premiere of a one shot comic Mega Man: Worlds Unite Battles #1, which expands on the battles taking place within the crossover event. Fans of older Archie stories, meanwhile, have Sonic Archives #25 which brings us ever closer to the 100th issue of the series.
Celebrate 50 issues of Mega Man with the latest chapter in the globe-smashing SONIC/MEGA MAN crossover event! “Worlds Unite” Part Four: Act One comes to its mind-blowing conclusion! Sigma’s plan reaches its first stage, and the worlds of Sonic and Mega Man have fused! It’s definitely going to take more than one hero to stop the threat from the future—maybe even ten! Sonic, Mega Man, X, Sticks, the Freedom Fighters, Robot Masters and Maverick Hunters—UNITE! PLUS: Stick around for a special bonus anniversary story as Mega Man and X meet for the first time! Featuring a wrap-around cover from the legendary Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante! PLUS 5 variant covers from Edwin Huang, Irvin Rodriguez, Patrick Thomas Parnell, Roger & Idalia Robinson and part 4 of the epic 12-part connecting variant cover series by artist Ben Bates!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Dan Schoening, POWREE, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli and Luis Delgado
Mega Man #50 Wrap-around CVR A Reg: Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante
Mega Man #50 CVR B Variant: Roger and Idalia Robinson
Mega Man #50 CVR C Variant: Edwin Huang
Mega Man #50 CVR D Variant: Irvin Rodriguez
Mega Man #50 CVR E Variant: Patrick Thomas Parnell
Epic Poster Variant (pt 4 of 12): Ben Bates
On Sale Date: 6/17
48-page, full color comic
$4.99 U.S
March 2015
So SEGA has been announcing a lot of games lately, and last week they decided to announce one more. And if you’re wondering just how anime it is:

It’s pretty goddamn anime. This anime game is called Miracle Girls Festival, and it features various anime characters from anime like YuruYuri, Wake Up, Girls!, Vividred Operation, and a bunch of other anime that my friends who are into anime will probably try to get me to watch. And as you can see by the UI, this game is gonna be a lot like the Project Diva games except will less vocaloids and more anime schoolgirls.
Featured SEGA Retro Articles of the Week
- Look, a new thing that I added to the list! Here I’ll link to an article from SEGA Retro that’s pretty neat or possibly needs more work. First off, to keep up with the anime theme of this week’s article [Astro Boy]
- Also, that Astro Boy game kinda sucks so here’s an article about a good one [Astro Boy: Omega Factor]
SEGAbits Features
- The often forgotten Panzer Dragoon spin-offs, and why they are forgotten [One reason: nobody remembers the stuff that Tiger Electronics made]
- SEGA Tunes: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed remixes Panzer Dragoon’s ‘Flight’ [By the one and only Richard Jacques]
- SEGA in the Charts: MediaCreate charts for Mar 9 – Mar 15 2015 [Not enough by Kazuma Kiryu’s standards]
- Miracle Girls Festival, new SEGA rhythm game announced for Playstation Vita [Yup, it’s anime]
- Nintendo 3DS gets SEGA Dreamcast and SG-1000 themes in Japan [Dear SEGA please for the love of god release these in the west already]
- SEGA’s mobile division on track for record setting revenue [There’s your reason for why SEGA is doing so much more mobile stuff now]
- Persona 4: Dancing All Night – Yosuke trailer released [I’m disappointed, one of his costumes isn’t a trash can]
- First 4 Figures teases their upcoming NiGHTS figure [They also tease empty wallets]
- SEGA returns to MomoCon showcasing Project Mirai DX, Tembo, 3D Classics & more! [And by more we of course mean anime]

So SEGA put out a update for Sonic Runners which you have to download if you want to be able to play the game, which is okay as long as you can download it. Except it’s not officially released yet outside of Japan and Canada, so Android users outside of those countries can’t update the game the normal way.
Thankfully, Neowl from our forums has uploaded the .apk file, so just install it on your Android device and you should be able to play the game again. And your save data won’t be lost by downloading it. Alternatively, you can also download the update through the Japanese QooApp store. You should also be able to download any future updates through that as well. iOS users should be able to normally update the game through the App Store.
As for what the update actually does, we don’t know the official patch notes but our forum members have noticed framerate improvements and that the game no longer closes when their phone goes into sleep mode. So you no longer have to worry about your phone going on stand by because of how long the loading screens are.
This was a pretty good week when it comes to SEGA stuff, with them revealing new games and releasing 3D OutRun, a fantastic re-release of the original game with new features. And among the games they revealed was Tembo the Badass Elephant, an action sidescroller by Game Freak that’s coming to PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. It was playable at EGX Rezzed earlier this week, and the first impressions from the couple of our forum members who were there are pretty positive. It’s always nice to see a new quirky sidescroller, so we’ll be looking forward to this one.
Featured SEGAbits Article of the Week
- The SEGAbits review of 3D OutRun for the Nintendo 3DS [Not to be confused with OutRun 3D]
SEGAbits Features
- Celebrating 20 years of the amazing world of Panzer Dragoon [I should probably play these games at some point]
- Classic SEGA Magazine Corner: Xbox Nation’s “Chasing the Dragon”, an inside look at Panzer Dragoon Orta [I really, really should]
- A couple of announcements about the Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam 2015 [Website launch and donations]
- Sonic Talk #31: “We’re gonna need a bigger podcast” [No you don’t, you’ve had longer episodes]
- Tembo the Badass Elephant was revealed [Trailer | Gameplay video]
- Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight, a remake of the first game’s sequel, is coming to the North America [As always with Atlus games, sorry Europe]
- Atlus is also localizing Lost Dimension for PlayStation 3 and Vita [Coming this Summer in the US]
- SEGA is publishing a SRPG for the Nintendo 3DS called Stella Glow [Announcement | Gameplay]
- Compile Heart announced Hyperdimension War Neptunia VS Sega Hard Girls: Dream Fusion Special for the PlayStation Vita [Girls who are consoles meet other girls who are consoles]
- Our chibi Vocaloid needs are met with this new Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX trailer [Also the first Puyo Puyo game to be released in the west since forever]
So we all know that Hollywood loves to revive old movies and stuff. I mean, they’re even making two new Ghostbusters movies. But recently they’ve also started making more movies about games. There’s even going to be a movie about video games with Adam Sandler and Peter Dinklage. And as you probably already know, even Sonic’s gonna get a movie now. One that might be PG-13. So yeah, Hollywood is crazy.
And this is where I forget where I was going with this and instead made this Sonic doodle. Anyway, links.
Sonic Retro Stuff
- Scarred Sun wrote an open letter to SEGA of America employees cause there’s stuff that needs to be archived [No seriously if you’re from SEGA America and for whatever reason are reading this than look here]
- MainMemory updated the SADX Mod Loader to v3.2 [New SA2 version also coming eventually]
- We now have another feature with even more links except they’re all links to SEGA stuff [So how about that new ToeJam & Earl game]
Sonic Stuff
- Sumo Digital uploaded a bunch of cool concept art of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing [We almost had our Sonic R 2]
- Mike Pollock’s being nagged about a Boom Shadow [Boooom Shadow, Boom Shadow]
- The Chaotix can be unlocked in Sonic Runners now [I still haven’t been able to unlock Vector =(]
- Want a preview of the new Archie Sonic comic issue in which Sonic Heroes is referenced for some reason? Sure you do [I should probably start reading these at some point]
- On the same subject, an interview with Bill Freiberger on writing the Sonic Boom comic [You know, the other good Sonic Boom thing]

Okay so the SEGAbits gods thought that no longer linking SEGAbits and general SEGA stuff in Monday Links wasn’t such a great idea. But you know what’s a good idea? Still not linking them on Monday Links and instead doing a separate feature with just SEGA stuff and without the Sonic. So here’s a new feature that’s a recap of SEGAbits and SEGA stuff.
Featured SEGAbits Article of the Week
- This week’s Swingin’ Report Show has an interview with Greg Johnson, the co-creator of ToeJam & Earl who right now is doing a Kickstarter so he can make a new sequel [Cool details about stuff that happened to the development of the other ToeJam & Earl sequels included]
SEGAbits Features
- This month we take a look at the stuff Team Andromeda did [You know, those people who made Panzer Dragoon]
- SEGA Tunes: Panzer Dragoon’s OST is a beautiful masterpiece [Just listen to these tunes]
- Nope, SEGA’s not leaving the console marker [Don’t trust articles by writers who didn’t pay enough attention, kids]
- 2-Man Scramble put the dynamic duo to the test in Batman Forever: The Arcade Game for the SEGA Saturn [Yes, Jim Carrey Riddler is in the game]
- Unboxing a brand new SEGA Menacer from 1992 [Unboxings are cool when they’re of old SEGA stuff, right?]
- Game Freak (Pokémon, Pulseman) and SEGA are working together on a new game that’ll be revealed this Wednesday [Please don’t be mobile-only please don’t be mobile-only]
- Valkyria Chronicles sold over 200,000 copies on Steam last year [This means we’ll get more PC ports, right? Right?]
- Yakuza Zero has a pretty sweet soundtrack filled with Japanese 80’s songs [Possible contender for best game soundtrack of the year?]
- Turns out Alien: Isolation was going to be a third person game at some point [Here’s some footage of when it was that]
- It looks like 3D OutRun will be released on March 12th [More OutRun is never a bad thing]
- This Persona 4: Dancing All Night trailer shows off the new character Kanami Mashita [Awkward fanservice included]
To my friends at Sega of America: I, along with the video game historian community, believe the contributions you have made at work are worthy of preservation—and the fact that Sega of America’s Potrero Hill office is closing puts the preservation of precious historical material at risk. We’ve seen this happen before with Sega’s European offices and want to ensure that future generations know the value of the work you have done.
I will be in San Francisco for several days in April; as such, I would be happy to take any material you have under strict confidentiality—or any face punches for having made fun of the thing you worked on. Likewise, if you are planning to relocate to the greater Los Angeles area, I can meet up with you within a few days’ notice (and get some Eggslut or something, because LA.)
Any materials or documentation we collect will be held for an extended period of time, will be digitized and physical copies will be donated anonymously to Britain’s National Media Museum (or an equivalent American institution should one appear within the next five years.)
Please email [email protected] to organize collection.
Thank you.
Last week my ‘Something for the Weekend’ feature was on the subject of GameChops’ awesome new ‘Spindash’ album, full of dance remixes of classic Sonic tracks. Hopefully if you enjoyed that taste you looked a little more into GameChops and what else they’ve done.
PROTIP: There’s some mighty fine stuff there.
But I’m not here to link another playlist or album, not exactly. Today I actually wanted to talk about why GameChops, as a concept, is actually really cool and why you should be following them closely.
Founed by Dj CUTMAN, all of the music GameChops produces is video game-related. You could have probably guessed that – but did you also guess that supporting GameChops financially actually puts money in several pockets? This comes from the way in which the label operates through their partners at According to their website, ‘ is an incredible new platform for musicians who create cover songs, like our game remixes. In the past, acquiring mechanical licenses was an expensive and time consuming process. Loudr has revolutionized this by providing a distribution platform with built-in licensing.’
What this effectively means is that when an artist remixes a piece of video game music, be it Sonic, Mega Man, whatever you like; when you support that artist, you are actually supporting them and also the rights-holders of the original track. This effectively means that GameChops remixes are all officially licensed, after a fashion.
So go check them out, you (probably) won’t be disappointed.

So I don’t feel like writing anything with any real substance this week and I’ve been watching stuff lately so I’ll just recommend some random stuff: the Speed Racer movie, Death Parade, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, Star Trek (the J.J. Abrams one), a rewatch of Cowboy Bebop, the Sonic OVA, and Dragon Ball Kai. Also 30 Rock.
Also these links.
Sonic Retro stuff
- snkenjoi made this web based mapping / tile / DPLC editor called Flex. [Real handy for if you need a quick way to edit sprites]
- biggestsonicfan got the debug mode in the Xbox 360 version of Sonic the Fighters to work. [Maybe we’ll finally find out if Ashura was gonna be playable!!!]
- Felik revealed new blurry screenshots of his fangame called Sonic Mega Drive. [After which someone made them less blurry and revealed that his game is actually pretty nice looking]
- Our good friends at SEGAbits interviewed our good friend Stealth about the Sonic 1 and 2 remasters. [Shocking development secrets uncovered!]
- Hit Reset wants us to give Sonic 3D Blast another chance in this new video. [If anything it’s worth playing for the music at least]
- Nova mentioned my Monday Links thing in his Something For The Weekend thing so I should probably mention it back [Also that Sonic remix album is pretty sweet]
Sonic stuff
- Sonic Runners got a soft launch for everyone in Japan, Canada, and people who know how to get around the region block. [Also surprisingly it’s a pretty decent time waster]
- Also files were found by forum user Woun indicating that lots of other characters including Big and Vector will be playable in Sonic Runners in the future. [Also Charmy for some reason]
- If for some reason you thought Sonic would go mobile only, Iizuka has reaffirmed that Sonic Team won’t stop making Sonic games for consoles anytime soon. [So chances of a new Burning Rangers are still zero]