Forum member Jollyroger has managed to get the leaked POV version of Sonic X-treme to run on a SEGA Saturn. While he hasn’t been able to record footage of it yet as he doesn’t have a video capture device, he did take a photo of the tech demo running on his Cartdev/Mirage.
According to Jollyroger, this shows that while the version is nowhere near playable in its current state, it shows that Point of View would have been capable of making a reasonable version of the game for the Saturn if they had enough time.
Be sure to keep an eye on the Sonic Xtreme thread on our forums for more findings about this prototype.
Fuck yes, this is what I want, a Saturn version of this baby to run on my console, from the screenshot it reminds me of Bug! for some reason!
Keep up the good work Jollyroger. Man if only SEGA can see us now, they would see that rushing a game to completion would only cause problems. This game could have had success if only given the chance.
Honestly, I don’t think so. Sonic X-treme is an interesting game, and its development is quite a story. But if it would have been a good game is debatable. Just look at existing gameplay and think of how much you wouldn’t be able to see coming when walking around due to the close up fish-eye camera.
@bmhedgehog I agree with TimmiT, wanting to get this game to run on real hardware is one thing but I highly doubt if would have sold well had it been released in the 90s let alone compete with Super Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot to help save the Saturn.