Game News

Sonic Lost World Zelda DLC Storming Wii U Tomorrow

It’s been a while since SEGA unleashed Sonic into the world of Yoshi’s Island to save the rainbow-hued miniature dinosaurs. For those of you who haven’t given in and traded your Wii U copies of Sonic Lost World, SEGA’s Aaron “Ruby Eclipse” Webber, aficionado of all things Sonic and Hatsune Miku, revealed ever so suddenly that their second Nintendo-themed DLC for the game is going live tomorrow for the ridiculously expensive price of free.
As hinted back in a Nintendo Direct, the second DLC is centered around the world of The Legend of Zelda, and Sonic takes the theme to heart by sporting the legendary iconic green tunic of Link. In stark contrast to most of Sonic Lost World‘s offerings, the level is quite vast and focuses much more on exploration than just running through the level like you’re trying to beat that blasted mailman to the Kokiri Forest.
Webber mentions that this level complements the Yoshi DLC’s ability to score lives rapidly by focusing more on amassing Flickies rapidly, the little birds required to get past certain roadblocks between levels, and that many little secrets are hidden throughout the stage.
It may be a bit too late for a chunk of Lost World’s Wii U‘s players to get much out of the DLC’s intended purpose, but the level of work that went into the level is certainly impressive. Perhaps a sign of things that can be done with the engine given proper motivation? Let’s hope so.

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  • Reply

    Insert fanboy bitching here…
    If the Zelda zone is as good as this article says, it’s just too bad we can’t see this level of design in the ORIGINAL LOST WORLD.

  • Reply

    Give me a Mario 3D World and a Metroid Zone, and we’re talking. =3

  • Reply

    Finally we’re gonna see a game where Sonic uses a sward… wait!

  • Reply

    Oh look, Sonic Lost World is a good game and now it has DLC.
    Fuck Sonic’s fanbase, I like this game.

    • Reply

      I totally agree with you! I like Sonic Lost World as well.
      This game is so under rated.

  • Reply

    GREAT! ABOUT DAMN TIME! Now we just need a super mario galaxy level and everything will be complete and I can die peacefully. This level looks awesome.

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