We’re not quite sure where it came from, but a new photo of the Big Red Button office has surfaced. This photo shows Bob Rafei sitting next to a board with concept art for new characters and enemies that will appear in the Sonic Boom game for Wii U. The image was found by Sonic Stadium forum members Eitarou and A Real Human Bean, though where they actually found the photo isn’t clear. Be sure to click it to see it in the full resolution. Another SSMB member, Storme Prince, distorted the picture to give a clearer view of the new characters.
[Source: The Sonic Stadium]
Game News
Marine? O_O
Do I see a redesigned Emerl?
The second form the left on the third row looks like Emerl
You might want to check your eyes, because that robot doesn’t look like Emerl at all aside from the colour. Also, it’s just a recoloured and slightly altered version of the red robot that can be seen in the row above it.
first from the left, second from the bottom, looks like a butchered Emerl.
I mean the colors are the same, and the thing in his forehead is very similar.
Is it just me, or does the girl next to the plane at the bottom of the picture look like an Echidna? Be a good way to differentiate Boom from the rest, having Knuckles no longer be the only one.
You mean like in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Chronicles? :V
And she looks cute! Sort of like vanilla.
Adventure was past only, and Chronicles was wiped from the map (and even if it wasnt, it takes place “after” the series).
This would be straight out of the park, Echidna’s are around, no mass extinction or genocide.
Im gonna have to be pro-emerl, or at least, pro-gizoid. The blues and orange are almost the same exact thing, the diamond shape kneecaps and bulky feet, the gem on it’s horn. It’s gotta be Emerl, or at least a gizoid. Which explains the Echinda stature might be a adaptation of the Nocturnus clan.
Where’s Burnbot? I don’t see Burnbot. This board needs more Burnbot.
You mean Pinchatron 9000?
That definitely looks like Marine. And those characters down in the right corner kinda look as if they were supposed to be her parents… Did I really just said that?
This looks disgusting, like some weird dream!
I don’t want a pooch as a nurse, and some dumbo tasmanian devil with a meader as a chef.
But whatever.
What the heck is up with that chef guy on the far left…
So in case everyone didn’t catch it, the most significant part of this is that there is no sign of human NPCs in this world.
I’d like to point out, this image is actually very old and has been out for at least a month. I remember seeing it on the Retro forums.
It was too low quality to really see much though.
I like these miscellaneous characters; it’s got a very AoStH-feel going on. I was pretty worried that this series wasn’t going to be able to expand elements for creative license – aside from the re-designs – but this is *really* enticing.
Wow. The character designs look much more varied than Modern Sonic designs. Like that.
I hope that everything shown here is new. Why? Because I hat Marine, and that robot looks nothing like Emerl should.
I don’t know but for some reason ii think i see rotor.
Is there a desktop shortcut for ‘SoBoom – Shortcut’ (with the obvious Sonic icon) or are my eyes deceiving me?
The more content from this show I see, the more I like.
This is not related but I thought I’d share the info, Crazy Taxi is free for the week on iOS, AND IT HAS THE ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK!!
If they do bring in Marine and that is her redesign in the image lets us just hope that she won’t be as bad as she was in Rush Adventure.
Oh to provide a voice for one of those characters.
Do badniks usually have organic parts? That robot on the far left middle row seems to have a actual snake’s tail…
I want to see Sonia and Sally Acorn.