Game News, Miscellaneous

Monday Links: Sonic Gets Punched in the Face Edition

Truly one of the best moments ever captured in a screenshot for a video game.
Anyway, this week includes: an announcement on something coming soon from Sonic Retro/SEGAbits, lots of Sakura Taisen stuff, Bayonetta 2 and even more Sonic Boom details.
Retro/Bits News

  • Sonic Boom producer Stephen Frost will be on SEGAbits’ Swingin’ Report Show later this month! [No link for this one, I just know]
  • Remember that time SEGAbits did a Sakura Taisen themed week? Well, that was last week, so here’s all the stuff that they did:
    – Tuesday Tunes features a live performance of Kimi Yo Hana Yo [With subtitles]
    – SEGA Channel Retro did a streaming marathon of the first four Sakura Taisen games [Wait I thought streaming was our thing]
    – A list of five ways to experience Sakura Taisen [The Not-Really-Weekly Five]
    – Kori-Maru goes back in time to review Sakura Taisen 2 [For the Saturn]
    – Segata Sanshiro shows how manly love can be in this Sakura Taisen 2 commercial [So manly]
    – Segalization decides to join in on the Sakura Taisen fun [Segalization]
    – And finally, the SEGAbits staff members share their thoughts on how they’d like to see the franchise localized [Featuring our very own Bartman]

Sonic/SEGA News

Other Stuff

Video of the Week

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  • Reply

    That pic is soo funny
    Love your post bro.

  • Reply

    Sonic needed that shot for a long time. Thank you, based world champ Lil’ Mac.

  • Reply

    Hey, is that in-game? Without frontmouth? That’s the best his face has ever looked outside of CG cutscenes.

  • Reply

    Someone Photoshop Knuckles or Shadow over that guy!

  • Reply

    Considering Mac seems to be another lightweight, high-speed melee guy, Sonic may have some serious competition. I’m really looking forward to Smash 4. And maybe the Sonic Boom game. Maybe. I hope.

  • Reply

    TL;WR Positive rant, Sonic Boom hype
    I just watched the Sonic Boom interviews, and as far as I can tell, Stephen Frost, Bob Rafei, and Evan Bailey are 5 times as passionate and informative as any interviewee that has directly come from Sega in the past 6 years.
    I was expecting them use a couple of those canned responses like “Well, we’re trying to remain true the franchise’s roots, but innovate at the same time. We hope that new fans and old fans alike will enjoy _____” as a response to everything and leave it at that, but nope. There were also long-winded explanations behind their decisions, and that’s so refreshing. I’m starting to feel better about this series. Oh, and since I’m personally obligated to bash Takashi Iizuka: TAKE LESSONS, YOU POSER!

    • Reply

      Really, that’s just an inherent difference in how Japanese PR practices work versus English-language PR. The Japanese have a funny and annoying tendency to answer every question without actually /saying/ anything.

  • Reply

    @negiWDJr Seriously? am I the only one who’s not happy with the direction Sonic Boom is heading? I’d take Sonic Lost World over this any day!

    • Reply

      Well it’s not like you’re not getting stuff in the style of Sonic Lost World anymore. Remember that Sonic Boom is a spin-off franchise, it won’t be replacing Sonic Team’s Sonic games. If you don’t like it, just wait for the Sonic game after this one.

  • Reply

    Have you guys heard Shenmue lost it’s trademark?

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