UPDATE: This week’s releases for the Wii U and 3DS eShop in the US and Europe don’t include the Sonic Lost World demo, so it looks like we’ll have to wait a bit longer for it.
Those who want to try out Sonic Lost World before it releases may not have to wait long, as a demo for both the Wii U and 3DS was released on the eShop today in Japan. This means that it’s likely that a demo will also be released in the US and/or Europe tomorrow, because the eShop updates on Thursdays in those regions.
The Wii U demo includes the first Windy Hill Zone, while the 3DS demo includes a tutorial level and the first Windy Hill zone.
I do hope the US also gets the demo, It’ll help me decide if i wanna get Lost World.
Probably gonna get both versions because of the connectivity, I’m gonna focus on getting the Wii U version first since i’m hopefully getting a Wii U for Christmas. (Hopefully)
I hope that the US gets the demo because i’m so excited for the game that I can’t wait.
Yesterday i was just thinking about if SLW was getting a demo and it seems to be coming true 😀
PLEASE SEGA PLEASE?? I can’t wait to play this!
Do this many people actually have a WiiU/3DS?
I may be strictly a PC gamer, but still.
A 3ds for sure. Wii u…well there’s the members of the SSMB and yeah idk.
Fuck yeah, when’s it coming to the US (my 3DS is NTSC)
I certainly didn’t say anything in the post about when it could come to the US. Nope, nothing.
The Geek Critique will get a gameplay video out ASAP if a demo does come out tomorrow.
Demo out tomorrow? YES PLEASE.
I’m totally getting the game, but I REALLY want to try it. I need to.
But wait the demo IS confirmed for all regions or it’s just something you think?
Yeah, I’m hearing rumors about a demo coming in the U.S. coming today in the Nintendo eShop. I keep checking the eShop every hour today to see it’s on there.
Sucks that both US and EU regions have to wait for the demo. I was really excited for it.
I have the game pre-ordered, but would like to try out the demo to see if it will be worth buying.
Weird how Japan gets it first, as he does worst there in terms of sales.
to be honest its either coming today or tommorow, a day before releasing the full version would be pretty bad.
Lost world is out for a couple of days now in austria.
Out in europe yay! Bandes de chiures encules
Well,the eShop in the 3ds updated,but no Sonic Lost World Demo. Only the option to preorder the game. WHY SEGA WHY? ;(
In remembering that this is basically a new debut/ a new “sonic 1” , it’s really exciting to know that many younger people will enjoy it as we did the genesis games, and that we can be pretty reasonably excited about what game will come next! Something with parkour climbing but freer and larger environments would be very close to a playable sonic as seen in the sonic CD animation sequence, which, who thought that would ever happen?? Many moments in this game already look inspired by that, actually!
I hope they release a demo on the 22nd since that was the original release before it was delayed. Besides that is 1 full week before the official release date the 29th.
Well its now two days till launch and still no fucking demo.
Thank god I have been waiting forever because when I saw there was no demo for 3ds I raged but now I know I can’t wait for tomorrow !