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July 2013

Community, Game News, Podcasts

Impromptu Community Day Stream

Watch live video from vidyaretro on TwitchTV

Its free weekend for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Steam. Which sounds like a prime opportunity to host a community stream for this very occasion. Granted, its quite last minute, but then again, we had no clue this was going to happen until yesterday. Come join in the fun with us, and if you want to play with us, we’ll give you the information on the air, or check with the stream’s chat by going to the Vidya Retro channel on Twitch.

Its over, but we’ve recorded all four hours of the free racing action with our Retro crew talking about…something? Also in the meantime, we’ve streamed something earlier that may catch your attention: Fan Game Frenzy II, hot off of Sonic Doom II, we look at more Sonic fan games from the yesteryear.

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Game News

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Steam Update Adds Company of Heroes 2 Character

The PC version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed had a surprising amount of additional characters exclusive to the platform with Team Fortress 2 characters, some guy from Total War: Shogun 2 and some guy from Football Manager. Now to celebrate the American holiday known as Independence Day, SEGA has decided to add in another character for free: some Russian General guy from Company of Heroes 2. To download this new character, just let Steam update the game.

If you don’t own ASRT on PC, you’re in luck. The full game can be played for free until Sunday 1pm PDT and is on sale for 75% off on Steam. All other Sonic games are priced off as well including Sonic Generations, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic 4 etc.